Terry Southern Net worth, Age, Height,Bio


About Terry Southern

Terry Southern is a popular United States of America journalist who is most renowned for his journalist,writer,novelist,screenwriter,actor,producer

Celebrity how publishes up-to date right information on Celebrity Terry Southern ,Mainly about Terry Southern Physical stats(Height,Weight,Hair Colour,Eye Colour) and Terry Southern Biography (Age,Birth Date, Birth Place,Education) and Terry Southern Career (Profession,Net Worth,Famous for,Hobbies).

  • 71 years old.
  • Born in Alvarado
  • Zodiac Sign:Taurus
Age Terry Southern age is 7171
Birth Month 05
Birth Day 01
Professions Count Terry Southern Occupation count is 55
Relationships Terry Southern Number of relationships is 11
Number of Childrens Terry Southern Number of childres is 11
Number of Awards Terry Southern Awards count is 11

Terry Southern age is around 71,as Terry Southern was born on the 01th of 05, 1924 in Alvarado.

Real Name Terry Southern
Occupation journalist,writer,novelist,screenwriter,actor,producer
Nationality United States of America
Date of Birth 1924/05/01
Birth Year 1924
Birth Month 05
Birth day 01
Age 71
First Name Terry
Last Name Southern
Gender male
Place of Birth Alvarado
IMDB details nm0816143
Awards Receieved O. Henry Award
Education Northwestern University
Languages spoke and written English
Sports team
Name in native language
Death place New York City,New York City
Position held

Terry Southern Physical stats

Awards received by Terry Southern

1970NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1965NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1965NomineeBAFTA Film AwardBAFTA Awards
1994WinnerWriter AwardGotham Awards
1965WinnerHugoHugo Awards
1964NomineeNYFCC AwardNew York Film Critics Circle Awards
1970NomineeWGA Award (Screen)Writers Guild of America, USA
1965WinnerWGA Award (Screen)Writers Guild of America, USA

Movie list of Terry Southern

Welcome to the Basement2017writer
Terry Southern's Plums and Prunes2007writer
Heavy Put-Away2004writer
Terry Southern Interviews a Faggot Male Nurse1998writer
The Telephone1988writer
Saturday Night Livewriter
The American Parade1976writer
End of the Road1970writer
The Magic Christian1969writer
Easy Rider1969writer
Don't Make Waves1967writer
Casino Royale1967writer
The Cincinnati Kid1965writer
The Loved One1965writer
The Collector1965writer
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb1964writer
Armchair Theatrewriter
The Man Who Fell to Earth1976actor
End of the Road1970actor
End of the Road1970producer
Acid Head: The Buzzard Nuts County Slaughter2011thanks
Dad Strangeloveself
The Source: The Story of the Beats and the Beat Generation1999self
The 68th Annual Academy Awards1996self
Burroughs: The Movie1983self
Cocksucker Blues1972self
The Queen1968self
Welcome to the Basement2015archive_footage

Terry Southern Popularity

* 71 is AGE #478
* 1924 is the Birth Year #451
* 05 is the Birth Month #1672
* 01 is the BirthDay #2384
* Alvarado is the birth Place #1927
Celebrity How Calculates Terry Southern Popularity Based on Wiki page views and also our internal Page view count.

Terry Southern Net worth

Check how rich is Terry Southern in 2020? also latest information on Terry Southern cars, Terry Southern income, remuneration, lifestyle.Based on Online sources ( Wikipedia,google Search,Yahoo search) Terry Southern estimated net worth is $ USD 6 Mil and Primary income from journalist,writer,novelist,screenwriter,actor,producer. We don’t have enough evidences on Terry Southern cars, Terry Southern lifestyle. We will update these information soon.

Terry Southern Education

Celebrities Who Attended The Same School as Terry Southern

Terry Southern Home town

Terry Southern hometown is Alvarado.
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Facts About Terry Southern

Terry Southern Age as of 2020 is 71
Awards Received by Terry Southern:O. Henry Award.
Terry Southern Place of Birth is Alvarado.