Oleg Vidov Net worth, Age, Height,Bio

film producer,producer,actor,screenwriter,film actor,film director,television actor

About Oleg Vidov

Oleg Vidov is a popular United States of America,Soviet Union film producer who is most renowned for his film producer,producer,actor,screenwriter,film actor,film director,television actor

Celebrity how publishes up-to date right information on Celebrity Oleg Vidov ,Mainly about Oleg Vidov Physical stats(Height,Weight,Hair Colour,Eye Colour) and Oleg Vidov Biography (Age,Birth Date, Birth Place,Education) and Oleg Vidov Career (Profession,Net Worth,Famous for,Hobbies).

  • 74 years old.
  • Born in Vidnoye
  • Zodiac Sign:Gemini
Age Oleg Vidov age is 7474
Birth Month 06
Birth Day 11
Professions Count Oleg Vidov Occupation count is 66
Relationships Oleg Vidov Number of relationships is 11
Number of Childrens Oleg Vidov Number of childres is 11
Number of Awards Oleg Vidov Awards count is 11

Oleg Vidov age is around 74,as Oleg Vidov was born on the 11th of 06, 1943 in Vidnoye.

Real Name Oleg Vidov
Occupation film producer,producer,actor,screenwriter,film actor,film director,television actor
Nationality United States of America,Soviet Union
Date of Birth 1943/06/11
Birth Year 1943
Birth Month 06
Birth day 11
Age 74
First Name Oleg
Last Name NA
Gender male
Place of Birth Vidnoye
IMDB details nm0896554
Awards Receieved Merited Artist of the RSFSR
Education Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography,Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography
Languages spoke and written English,Russian
Sports team
Death place Westlake Village
Position held
Work start period 1/01/1960

Oleg Vidov Physical stats

eye colourGrey
Hair colourBlonde

Awards received by Oleg Vidov

Movie list of Oleg Vidov

Tango Changes Everything2014actor
6 Days Dark2014actor
Hollywood Seagull2013actor
Der Fisch2011actor
Criminal Minds2011actor
Player 51502008actor
Say It in Russian2007actor
The West Wing2005actor
Monkey Love2002actor
Thirteen Days2000actor
A Christmas Tree and a Wedding2000actor
Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies1999actor
Stories from My Childhood1998actor
Police Story 4: First Strike1996actor
The Immortals1995actor
Love Affair1994actor
Prisoner of Time1993actor
Three Days in August1992actor
The Legend of the Emerald Princess1989actor
Wild Orchid1989actor
Red Heat1988actor
Vuk Karadzic1987actor
Crvena baraka1985actor
U zatvoru1985actor
Orkestar jedne mladosti1985actor
Jenseits der Morgenrte1985actor
Srochno... sekretno... Gubcheka1982actor
Krik tishiny1982actor
Blagochestivaya Marta1980actor
Letuchaya mysh1979actor
Krov i pot1978actor
Transsibirskiy ekspress1977actor
A tizenhetedik nap1977actor
Semya Ivanovykh1975actor
Pokoj, rci, jad1975actor
Moskva, lyubov moya1974actor
The Adventures of Mowgli1973actor
Vsadnik bez golovy1973actor
Za vsyo v otvete1973actor
Stoyanka poyezda - 2 minuty1972actor
Mogila lva1971actor
Gentlemen of Fortune1971actor
Missiya v Kabule1971actor
The Battle of Neretva1969actor
Ima ljubavi, nema ljubavi1968actor
Uzrok smrti ne pominjati1968actor
Zarechenskiy zhenikhi1967actor
Hagbard and Signe1967actor
The Tale of Tsar Saltan1967actor
Obyknovennoe chudo1965actor
Mne dvadtsat let1965actor
Ya shagayu po Moskve1964actor
Esli ty prav...1964actor
Pri ispolnenii sluzhebnykh obyazannostey1963actor
Konets sveta1962actor
Drug moy, Kolka!..1961actor
Tarkovsky: Time Within Time2015producer
The Adventures of Cheburashka and Friends2007producer
Stories from My Childhood1998producer
Animated Soviet Propaganda1997producer
Animated Classic Showcase1993producer
Posledniy lepestok1977producer
Stories from My Childhood1998director
The Legend of the Emerald Princess1989director
Stories from My Childhood1998miscellaneous
Life as a Dream2007thanks
And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird1991thanks
Tarkovsky: Time Within Time2015self
An Animated Life: The Phil Roman Story2005self
Savely Kramarov. A Gentleman of Fortune2004self
The Endless Story of Hollywood2001self
Animated Soviet Propaganda1997self
This Elusive Kramarov1994self

Oleg Vidov Popularity

* 74 is AGE #258
* 1943 is the Birth Year #95
* 06 is the Birth Month #788
* 11 is the BirthDay #980
* Vidnoye is the birth Place #2370
Celebrity How Calculates Oleg Vidov Popularity Based on Wiki page views and also our internal Page view count.

Oleg Vidov Net worth

Check how rich is Oleg Vidov in 2020? also latest information on Oleg Vidov cars, Oleg Vidov income, remuneration, lifestyle.Based on Online sources ( Wikipedia,google Search,Yahoo search) Oleg Vidov estimated net worth is $ USD 8 Mil and Primary income from film producer,producer,actor,screenwriter,film actor,film director,television actor. We don’t have enough evidences on Oleg Vidov cars, Oleg Vidov lifestyle. We will update these information soon.

Oleg Vidov Education

Celebrities Who Attended The Same School as Oleg Vidov

Oleg Vidov Home town

Oleg Vidov hometown is Vidnoye.
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Facts About Oleg Vidov

Oleg Vidov Age as of 2020 is 74
Awards Received by Oleg Vidov:Merited Artist of the RSFSR.
Oleg Vidov Place of Birth is Vidnoye.