Ken Burns Net worth, Age, Height,Bio

producer,film director,screenwriter,film producer,actor

About Ken Burns

Ken Burns is a popular United States of America producer who is most renowned for his producer,film director,screenwriter,film producer,actor

Celebrity how publishes up-to date right information on Celebrity Ken Burns ,Mainly about Ken Burns Physical stats(Height,Weight,Hair Colour,Eye Colour) and Ken Burns Biography (Age,Birth Date, Birth Place,Education) and Ken Burns Career (Profession,Net Worth,Famous for,Hobbies).

  • 67 years old.
  • Born in Brooklyn
  • Zodiac Sign:Leo
Age Ken Burns age is 6767
Birth Month 07
Birth Day 29
Professions Count Ken Burns Occupation count is 44
Relationships Ken Burns Number of relationships is 11
Number of Childrens Ken Burns Number of childres is 11
Number of Awards Ken Burns Awards count is 66

Ken Burns age is around 67,as Ken Burns was born on the 29th of 07, 1953 in Brooklyn.

Real Name Ken Burns
Occupation producer,film director,screenwriter,film producer,actor
Nationality United States of America
Date of Birth 1953/07/29
Birth Year 1953
Birth Month 07
Birth day 29
Age 67
First Name Ken
Last Name Burns
Gender male
Place of Birth Brooklyn
IMDB details nm0122741
Twitter details KenBurns
Awards Receieved Lincoln Prize,Charles Frankel Prize,Grammy Award for Best Traditional Folk Album,Lady Bird Johnson Environmental Award,Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album,Fellow of the American Academy of Arts an
Education Hampshire College,Hampshire College,Hampshire College,Hampshire College,Hampshire College,Pioneer High School
Genre documentary
Languages spoke and written English
Political Party Democratic Party
Sports team
Position held
Residence Ann Arbor,Brooklyn,Walpole
Work start period 1/01/1981

Ken Burns Physical stats

Hair colourBrown - Dark

Awards received by Ken Burns

1986NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1982NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
2018NomineePrimetime EmmyPrimetime Emmy Awards
2015NomineePrimetime EmmyPrimetime Emmy Awards
2015NomineePrimetime EmmyPrimetime Emmy Awards
2010WinnerPrimetime EmmyPrimetime Emmy Awards
2008NomineePrimetime EmmyPrimetime Emmy Awards
2005WinnerPrimetime EmmyPrimetime Emmy Awards
2005NomineePrimetime EmmyPrimetime Emmy Awards
2001NomineePrimetime EmmyPrimetime Emmy Awards
2001NomineePrimetime EmmyPrimetime Emmy Awards
1995WinnerPrimetime EmmyPrimetime Emmy Awards
1995NomineePrimetime EmmyPrimetime Emmy Awards
1992NomineePrimetime EmmyPrimetime Emmy Awards
1991WinnerPrimetime EmmyPrimetime Emmy Awards
1991WinnerPrimetime EmmyPrimetime Emmy Awards
1986NomineePrimetime EmmyPrimetime Emmy Awards
2018NomineeBAFTA TV AwardBAFTA Awards
1990WinnerBlue Ribbon AwardAmerican Film Festival
1985WinnerRed Ribbon AwardAmerican Film Festival
1981WinnerBlue Ribbon AwardAmerican Film Festival
1991WinnerSilver FIPABiarritz International Festival of Audiovisual Programming
2017NomineeBlack ReelBlack Reel Awards
2013WinnerBlack ReelBlack Reel Awards
2006NomineeBlack ReelBlack Reel Awards
2012WinnerAudience Choice AwardChicago International Film Festival
2012NomineeGold HugoChicago International Film Festival
1981NomineeGold HugoChicago International Film Festival
2018WinnerLife Achievement Christopher AwardChristopher Awards
2007WinnerChristopher AwardChristopher Awards
2004WinnerChristopher AwardChristopher Awards
2002WinnerChristopher AwardChristopher Awards
2000WinnerChristopher AwardChristopher Awards
1990WinnerChristopher AwardChristopher Awards
1987WinnerChristopher AwardChristopher Awards
1983WinnerChristopher AwardChristopher Awards
2003WinnerCINE Leadership AwardCINE Competition
1990WinnerCINE Golden EagleCINE Competition
1990WinnerCINE Golden EagleCINE Competition
1988WinnerCINE Golden EagleCINE Competition
1981WinnerCINE Golden EagleCINE Competition
2018WinnerClarion AwardClarion Awards
2017WinnerClarion AwardClarion Awards
2007WinnerCanal+ AwardDeauville Film Festival
2018NomineeDGA AwardDirectors Guild of America, USA
2008NomineeDGA AwardDirectors Guild of America, USA
2013NomineeIndependent Spirit AwardFilm Independent Spirit Awards
2013WinnerGabriel AwardGabriel Awards
1991WinnerHumanitas PrizeHumanitas Prize
2017NomineeIDA AwardInternational Documentary Association
2012NomineeIDA AwardInternational Documentary Association
2012NomineeVideo Source AwardInternational Documentary Association
2008NomineeIDA AwardInternational Documentary Association
2002WinnerCareer Achievement AwardInternational Documentary Association
1991WinnerIDA AwardInternational Documentary Association
2012NomineeGrierson AwardLondon Film Festival
2014NomineeEmmyNews & Documentary Emmy Awards
2014NomineeEmmyNews & Documentary Emmy Awards
2008WinnerLifetime Achievement AwardNews & Documentary Emmy Awards
2013NomineeOFTA Film AwardOnline Film & Television Association
1986WinnerErik Barnouw AwardOrganization of American Historians
1983WinnerErik Barnouw AwardOrganization of American Historians
2015NomineePGA AwardPGA Awards
2013NomineePGA AwardPGA Awards
1998WinnerVision AwardPGA Awards
1991WinnerPGA AwardPGA Awards
1998WinnerGolden Space Needle AwardSeattle International Film Festival
2001WinnerBest Documentary AwardSt Louis International Film Festival
2001WinnerLifetime Achievement AwardSt Louis International Film Festival
1998NomineeGrand Jury PrizeSundance Film Festival
1986NomineeGrand Jury PrizeSundance Film Festival
2017WinnerCareer Achievement AwardTelevision Critics Association Awards
1994WinnerSilver Medallion AwardTelluride Film Festival, US
2013WinnerBronze WranglerWestern Heritage Awards
1998WinnerBronze WranglerWestern Heritage Awards
1998WinnerSpur AwardWestern Writers of America
2013NomineeWGA Award (Screen)Writers Guild of America, USA

Movie list of Ken Burns

Muhammad Aliproducer
College Behind Bars2019producer
Country Music2019producer
Country Music: Live at the Ryman - A Concert Celebrating the Film by Ken Burns2019producer
The Vietnam War2017producer
Defying the Nazis: The Sharps' War2016producer
Jackie Robinsonproducer
Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies2015producer
The Roosevelts: An Intimate Historyproducer
The Dust Bowlproducer
The Central Park Five2012producer
The National Parks: America's Best Ideaproducer
Medal of Honor2008producer
The Warproducer
Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson2004producer
Horatio's Drive: America's First Road Trip2003producer
Mark Twain2001producer
Not for Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony1999producer
Frank Lloyd Wright1998producer
Thomas Jefferson1997producer
Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery1997producer
The Westproducer
Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio1991producer
The Civil War1990producer
American Experience1990producer
The Congress1988producer
Thomas Hart Benton1988producer
The Statue of Liberty1985producer
Huey Long1985producer
The Shakers: Hands to Work, Hearts to God1984producer
Brooklyn Bridge1981producer
Muhammad Alidirector
Country Music2019director
The Mayo Clinic, Faith, Hope and Science2018director
The Vietnam War2017director
The Vietnam War2017director
Defying the Nazis: The Sharps' War2016director
Jackie Robinson2016director
The Roosevelts: An Intimate History2014director
The Address2014director
The Dust Bowl2012director
The Central Park Five2012director
The National Parks: America's Best Idea2009director
The War2007director
Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson2004director
Horatio's Drive: America's First Road Trip2003director
Mark Twain2001director
Not for Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony1999director
Frank Lloyd Wright1998director
Thomas Jefferson1997director
Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery1997director
Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio1991director
The Civil War1990director
The Congress1988director
Thomas Hart Benton1988director
The Statue of Liberty1985director
Huey Long1985director
The Shakers: Hands to Work, Hearts to God1984director
Brooklyn Bridge1981director
The National Parks: America's Best Idea2009cinematographer
Horatio's Drive: America's First Road Trip2003cinematographer
Mark Twain2001cinematographer
Not for Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony1999cinematographer
Frank Lloyd Wright1998cinematographer
Thomas Jefferson1997cinematographer
Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery1997cinematographer
The Civil War1990cinematographer
The Congress1988cinematographer
The Statue of Liberty1985cinematographer
Huey Long1985cinematographer
The Shakers: Hands to Work, Hearts to God1984cinematographer
Brooklyn Bridge1981cinematographer
Muhammad Aliwriter
Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies2015writer
The Roosevelts: An Intimate History2014writer
The Address2014writer
The Central Park Five2012writer
Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery1997writer
Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio1991writer
The Civil War1990writer
Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson2004music_department
Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio1991music_department
The Civil Warmusic_department
College Behind Bars2019miscellaneous
Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies2015miscellaneous
The Life and Times of Frida Kahlo2005miscellaneous
Thomas Jefferson1997miscellaneous
The Making of 'Gettysburg'1993miscellaneous
American Experience1990miscellaneous
The Address2014camera_department
The National Parks: America's Best Idea2009camera_department
The West1996camera_department
American Experience1990camera_department
The Simpsons2012-2019actor
Difficult People2016actor
The Mindy Project2014actor
Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson2004soundtrack
Sirocco: Prophecy of Wind2017thanks
A Celebration of American Creativity: In Performance at the White House2016thanks
Mary & Bill2010thanks
Spaceman: A Baseball Odyssey2006thanks
The Making of 'The Devil's Den'2003thanks
The Cat's Meow2001thanks
Eternal Memory: Voices from the Great Terror1998thanks
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver2019self
Morning Joe2018-2019self
Country Music: Live at the Ryman - A Concert Celebrating the Film by Ken Burns2019self
Henry Louis Gates Jr.: Uncovering America2019self
Amanpour & Company2018self
Late Night with Seth Meyers2018self
Megyn Kelly Today2018self
MTP Daily with Chuck Todd2017self
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert2016-2017self
Kennedy Live2017self
Fox and Friends2017self
Face the Nation2017self
Ken Burns: America's Storyteller2017self
CBS This Morning2012-2016self
MLB Network Presents2016self
The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore2016self
The Ken Burns Effect2016self
Good Morning America2015self
The Colbert Report2005-2014self
Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr.2014self
The Daily Show2007-2014self
Late Show with David Letterman2007-2014self
Tavis Smiley2009-2014self
Americana Music Honors & Awards2013self
Good Day L.A.2013self
The Hour2012self
Charlie Rose1994-2012self
On the Dust Bowl with Ken Burns & Timothy Egan2012self
Lessons from the Dust Bowl with Ken Burns2012self
Plimpton! Starring George Plimpton as Himself2012self
The American Academy of Arts and Sciences: The Heart of the Matter2012self
Glue Man2012self
Prime 92010-2011self
Drinks and Conversation2011self
The Simpsons2003-2011self
Doc Talk2011self
A Hall for Heroes: The Inaugural Hall of Fame Induction of 19392010self
Budapest to Gettysburg2007self
The Interviews: An Oral History of Television2007self
Reason TV2007self
Late Night with Conan O'Brien2003-2007self
Real Time with Bill Maher2007self
Live From Lincoln Center2005self
Last Call with Carson Daly2005self
The Tony Danza Show2005self
The Tim McCarver Show2003self
100 Years of the World Series2003self
ESPN SportsCentury2002-2003self
Tribeca Film Festival Presents2003self
Independent View2002self
Boston Red Sox: 100 Years of Baseball History2001self
Great Performances2000self
Palisades Amusement Park, a Century of Fond Memories1998self
The Making of 'Gettysburg'1993self
The 17th Annual People's Choice Awards1991self

Ken Burns Popularity

* 67 is AGE #384
* 1953 is the Birth Year #318
* 07 is the Birth Month #1496
* 29 is the BirthDay #2358
* Brooklyn is the birth Place #885
Celebrity How Calculates Ken Burns Popularity Based on Wiki page views and also our internal Page view count.

Ken Burns Net worth

Check how rich is Ken Burns in 2020? also latest information on Ken Burns cars, Ken Burns income, remuneration, lifestyle.Based on Online sources ( Wikipedia,google Search,Yahoo search) Ken Burns estimated net worth is $ USD 1 Mil and Primary income from producer,film director,screenwriter,film producer,actor. We don’t have enough evidences on Ken Burns cars, Ken Burns lifestyle. We will update these information soon.

Ken Burns Education

Celebrities Who Attended The Same School as Ken Burns

Facts About Ken Burns

Ken Burns Age as of 2020 is 67
Awards Received by Ken Burns:Lincoln Prize,Charles Frankel Prize,Grammy Award for Best Traditional Folk Album,Lady Bird Johnson Environmental Award,Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album,Fellow of the American Academy of Arts an.
Ken Burns Place of Birth is Brooklyn.