Barney Oldfield Net worth, Age, Height,Bio

actor,racing automobile driver

About Barney Oldfield

Barney Oldfield is a popular United States of America actor who is most renowned for his actor,racing automobile driver

Celebrity how publishes up-to date right information on Celebrity Barney Oldfield ,Mainly about Barney Oldfield Physical stats(Height,Weight,Hair Colour,Eye Colour) and Barney Oldfield Biography (Age,Birth Date, Birth Place,Education) and Barney Oldfield Career (Profession,Net Worth,Famous for,Hobbies).

  • 68 years old.
  • Born in Wauseon
  • Zodiac Sign:Gemini
Age Barney Oldfield age is 6868
Birth Month 06
Birth Day 03
Professions Count Barney Oldfield Occupation count is 11
Relationships Barney Oldfield Number of relationships is 11
Number of Childrens Barney Oldfield Number of childres is 11
Number of Awards Barney Oldfield Awards count is 11

Barney Oldfield age is around 68,as Barney Oldfield was born on the 03th of 06, 1878 in Wauseon.

Real Name Barney Oldfield
Occupation actor,racing automobile driver
Nationality United States of America
Date of Birth 1878/06/03
Birth Year 1878
Birth Month 06
Birth day 03
Age 68
First Name Barney
Last Name Oldfield
Gender male
Place of Birth Wauseon
IMDB details nm0646117
Awards Receieved Computer Pioneer Award
Languages spoke and written English
Sports team
Death place Beverly Hills
Position held

Barney Oldfield Physical stats

Awards received by Barney Oldfield

Movie list of Barney Oldfield

Blonde Comet1941actor
Speed in the Gay Nineties1932actor
The First Auto1927actor
The Speed King1916actor
The Universal Boy1914/IIactor
The Speed Kings1913actor
Barney Oldfield's Race for a Life1913actor
Back Street1941miscellaneous
Throttle Pushers1933self
The Speed Demon1925self
Young Oldfield1924self
Universal Current Events, No. 81917self
Animated Weekly, No. 151916self
Hearst-Selig News Pictorial, No. 251915self
Mutual Weekly, No. 21915self
The Path Daily News, No. 791914self
Animated Weekly, No. 1161914self
Path's Weekly, No. 121914self
Animated Weekly, No. 991914self
Too Many Cops1913self
The Great Santa Monica Road Race1913self
Gaumont Weekly, No. 361912self
Santa Monica Road Race1912self
World's Championship Motor Races1910self
Barney Oldfield, Making a Mile a Minute1905self
Gadgets Galore1955archive_footage
Sports Immortals1939archive_footage

Barney Oldfield Popularity

* 68 is AGE #376
* 1878 is the Birth Year #617
* 06 is the Birth Month #1046
* 03 is the BirthDay #1520
* Wauseon is the birth Place #3214
Celebrity How Calculates Barney Oldfield Popularity Based on Wiki page views and also our internal Page view count.

Barney Oldfield Net worth

Check how rich is Barney Oldfield in 2020? also latest information on Barney Oldfield cars, Barney Oldfield income, remuneration, lifestyle.Based on Online sources ( Wikipedia,google Search,Yahoo search) Barney Oldfield estimated net worth is $ USD 2 Mil and Primary income from actor,racing automobile driver. We don’t have enough evidences on Barney Oldfield cars, Barney Oldfield lifestyle. We will update these information soon.

Barney Oldfield Home town

Barney Oldfield hometown is Wauseon.
Browse More Celebrities From Wauseon

Facts About Barney Oldfield

Barney Oldfield Age as of 2020 is 68
Awards Received by Barney Oldfield:Computer Pioneer Award.
Barney Oldfield Place of Birth is Wauseon.