James Dean Net worth, Age, Height,Bio

racing automobile driver,television actor,stage actor,actor,film actor

About James Dean

James Dean is a popular United States of America racing automobile driver who is most renowned for his racing automobile driver,television actor,stage actor,actor,film actor

Celebrity how publishes up-to date right information on Celebrity James Dean ,Mainly about James Dean Physical stats(Height,Weight,Hair Colour,Eye Colour) and James Dean Biography (Age,Birth Date, Birth Place,Education) and James Dean Career (Profession,Net Worth,Famous for,Hobbies).

  • 24 years old.
  • Born in Marion
  • Zodiac Sign:Aquarius
Age James Dean age is 2424
Birth Month 02
Birth Day 08
Professions Count James Dean Occupation count is 44
Relationships James Dean Number of relationships is 11
Number of Childrens James Dean Number of childres is 11
Number of Awards James Dean Awards count is 33

James Dean age is around 24,as James Dean was born on the 08th of 02, 1931 in Marion.

Real Name James Dean
Occupation racing automobile driver,television actor,stage actor,actor,film actor
Nationality United States of America
Date of Birth 1931/02/08
Birth Year 1931
Birth Month 02
Birth day 08
Age 24
First Name Byron
Last Name Dean
Gender male
Place of Birth Marion
IMDB details nm0000015
Awards Receieved Henrietta Award,Henrietta Award,Theatre World Award
Education UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television,Fairmount Public School,University of California, Los Angeles,Santa Monica College
Employer Warner Bros.
Languages spoke and written English
Sports team
Official website http://www.jamesdean.com/
Death place Cholame
Position held
Residence Marion,Fairmount,Santa Monica,Cholame,New York
Work start period 1/01/1951

James Dean Physical stats

eye colourGreen
Hair colourBlonde

Awards received by James Dean

1957NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1956NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1957WinnerHenrietta AwardGolden Globes, USA
1956WinnerSpecial Achievement AwardGolden Globes, USA
1957NomineeBAFTA Film AwardBAFTA Awards
1956NomineeBAFTA Film AwardBAFTA Awards
1957WinnerBravo Otto GermanyBravo Otto
1956WinnerJussiJussi Awards
2014WinnerOFTA Film Hall of FameOnline Film & Television Association
1956WinnerGold MedalPicturegoer Awards
1960WinnerStar on the Walk of FameWalk of Fame

Movie list of James Dean

Finding Jackactor
Rebel Without a Cause1955actor
Schlitz Playhouse1955actor
Lux Video Theatre1952-1955actor
East of Eden1955actor
The United States Steel Hour1955actor
General Electric Theater1954actor
Repertory Theatre1954actor
Robert Montgomery Presents1953actor
Armstrong Circle Theatre1953actor
Kraft Theatre1952-1953actor
Campbell Summer Soundstage1953actor
The Big Story1953actor
Studio One in Hollywood1952-1953actor
Tales of Tomorrow1953actor
Treasury Men in Action1953actor
Trouble Along the Way1953actor
You Are There1953actor
The Kate Smith Hour1953actor
Has Anybody Seen My Gal1952actor
Forgotten Children1952actor
CBS Television Workshop1952actor
Sailor Beware1952actor
The Stu Erwin Show1951actor
Fixed Bayonets!1951actor
The Bigelow Theatre1951actor
Family Theatre1951actor
Beat the Clock1950miscellaneous
'Giant' Stars Are Off to Texas1955self
Warner Path News Issue # 871955self
A Star Is Born World Premiere1954self
The Web1952self
Un Amricain nomm Kazan2018archive_footage
Autopsy: The Last Hours of2018archive_footage
Ok! TV2018archive_footage
Six Sides of Katharine Hepburn2018archive_footage
Hell's Club Part 2. Another Night2017archive_footage
The Disaster Artist2017archive_footage
The Fabulous Allan Carr2017archive_footage
Tab Hunter Confidential2015archive_footage
CNN Newsroom2014archive_footage
Hollywoods Spafabrik - Als die Bilder Lachen lernten2014archive_footage
Hollywood Rebellen2013archive_footage
James Dean's Lost Slideshow2013archive_footage
Final Cut: Ladies and Gentlemen2012archive_footage
Moguls & Movie Stars: A History of Hollywood2010archive_footage
Rock Hudson: Dark and Handsome Stranger2010archive_footage
20 to 12009archive_footage
Elvis: Return to Tupelo2008archive_footage
The Meadow2008archive_footage
La rentadora2006archive_footage
September 30, 19552006archive_footage
James Dean: The Whole Story2006archive_footage
James Dean - Mit Vollgas durchs Leben2005archive_footage
James Dean - Kleiner Prinz, little Bastard2005archive_footage
Crash Science2005archive_footage
Cineastas contra magnates2005archive_footage
The World's Most Photographed2005archive_footage
Miradas 22005archive_footage
East of Eden: Art in Search of Life2005archive_footage
James Dean: Forever Young2005archive_footage
American Masters2005archive_footage
Bettie Page: The Girl in the Leopard Print Bikini2004archive_footage
Queer as Folk2004archive_footage
Die Geschichte des erotischen Films2004archive_footage
Larry King Live2004archive_footage
James Dean and Marlon Brando2003archive_footage
Return to 'Giant'2003archive_footage
101 Most Shocking Moments in Entertainment2003archive_footage
Living Famously2003archive_footage
Shirtless: Hollywood's Sexiest Men2002archive_footage
Screen Tests of the Stars2002archive_footage
James Dean: Born Cool2001archive_footage
The Final Day2000archive_footage
Elizabeth Taylor: A Musical Celebration2000archive_footage
The 72nd Annual Academy Awards2000archive_footage
ABC 2000: The Millennium1999archive_footage
Great Romances of the 20th Century1999archive_footage
Memories of 'Giant'1998archive_footage
Warner Bros. 75th Anniversary: No Guts, No Glory1998archive_footage
James Dean: A Portrait1998archive_footage
E! Mysteries & Scandals1998archive_footage
The Silver Screen: Color Me Lavender1997archive_footage
Great Romances of the 20th Century: Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton1997archive_footage
Rediscovering a Rebel1996archive_footage
James Dean and Me1995archive_footage
Century of Cinema1995archive_footage
Fame in the Twentieth Century1993archive_footage
Death Scenes 21992archive_footage
Gesichter Des Todes VII1992archive_footage
Naked Hollywood1991archive_footage
Hollywood Heaven: Tragic Lives, Tragic Deaths1990archive_footage
Faces of Torture1988archive_footage
Forever James Dean1988archive_footage
The Rock 'n' Roll Years1985archive_footage
George Stevens: A Filmmaker's Journey1984archive_footage
Hollywood Out-takes and Rare Footage1983archive_footage
Natalie - A Tribute to a Very Special Lady1982archive_footage
America at the Movies1976archive_footage
James Dean: The First American Teenager1975archive_footage
James Dean Remembered1974archive_footage
ABC Late Night1974archive_footage
Letter to Jane: An Investigation About a Still1972archive_footage
James Dean 1965 - Legende und Wirklichkeit eines Idols1965archive_footage
The James Dean Story1957archive_footage
The Big Story1957archive_footage
The Steve Allen Plymouth Show1956archive_footage

James Dean Popularity

* 24 is AGE #362
* 1931 is the Birth Year #736
* 02 is the Birth Month #178
* 08 is the BirthDay #2362
* Marion is the birth Place #1827
Celebrity How Calculates James Dean Popularity Based on Wiki page views and also our internal Page view count.

James Dean Net worth

Check how rich is James Dean in 2020? also latest information on James Dean cars, James Dean income, remuneration, lifestyle.Based on Online sources ( Wikipedia,google Search,Yahoo search) James Dean estimated net worth is $ USD 9 Mil and Primary income from racing automobile driver,television actor,stage actor,actor,film actor. We don’t have enough evidences on James Dean cars, James Dean lifestyle. We will update these information soon.

James Dean Education

Celebrities Who Attended The Same School as James Dean

James Dean Home town

James Dean hometown is Marion.
Browse More Celebrities From Marion

Facts About James Dean

James Dean Age as of 2020 is 24
Awards Received by James Dean:Henrietta Award,Henrietta Award,Theatre World Award.
James Dean Place of Birth is Marion.