Walt Disney Net worth, Age, Height,Bio

film producer,producer,writer,television presenter,animator,voice actor,painter,actor,film director,screenwriter

About Walt Disney

Walt Disney is a popular United States of America film producer who is most renowned for his film producer,producer,writer,television presenter,animator,voice actor,painter,actor,film director,screenwriter

Celebrity how publishes up-to date right information on Celebrity Walt Disney ,Mainly about Walt Disney Physical stats(Height,Weight,Hair Colour,Eye Colour) and Walt Disney Biography (Age,Birth Date, Birth Place,Education) and Walt Disney Career (Profession,Net Worth,Famous for,Hobbies).

  • 65 years old.
  • Born in Chicago
  • Zodiac Sign:Sagittarius
Age Walt Disney age is 6565
Birth Month 12
Birth Day 05
Professions Count Walt Disney Occupation count is 99
Relationships Walt Disney Number of relationships is 22
Number of Childrens Walt Disney Number of childres is 11
Number of Awards Walt Disney Awards count is 55

Walt Disney age is around 65,as Walt Disney was born on the 05th of 12, 1901 in Chicago.

Real Name Walt Disney
Occupation film producer,producer,writer,television presenter,animator,voice actor,painter,actor,film director,screenwriter
Nationality United States of America
Date of Birth 1901/12/05
Birth Year 1901
Birth Month 12
Birth day 05
Age 65
First Name Elias,Walter
Last Name Disney
Gender male
Place of Birth Chicago
IMDB details nm0000370
Awards Receieved Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature,Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature,Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film,Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film,National Inventors Hall of F
Childrens Diane Disney Miller
Education Kansas City Art Institute,School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Father Elias Disney
Genre animated film,family film
Languages spoke and written English
Political Party Republican Party
Sports team
Name in native language
Death place Los Angeles,Burbank
Position held
Religion congregational church
Residence Chicago,Chicago,Los Angeles,Marceline,Marceline,Kansas City,Kansas City
Work start period 1/01/1920
Spouse Lillian Disney,Lillian Disney

Walt Disney Physical stats

eye colourBrown - Light
Hair colourGrey

Awards received by Walt Disney

1969WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1965NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1963NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1962NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1961NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1961NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1960NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1960NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1960NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1959WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1959NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1958NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1957NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1956WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1956NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1956NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1955WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1955NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1955NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1954WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1954WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1954WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1954WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1954NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1954NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1953WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1952WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1952NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1951WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1950NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1949WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1949NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1949NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1948NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1948NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1947NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1946NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1945NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1944NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1943WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1943NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1943NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1942WinnerHonorary AwardAcademy Awards, USA
1942WinnerIrving G Thalberg Memorial AwardAcademy Awards, USA
1942WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1942NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1940WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1940NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1939WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1939WinnerHonorary AwardAcademy Awards, USA
1939NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1939NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1939NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1938WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1937WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1936WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1936NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1935WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1934WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1934NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1932WinnerHonorary AwardAcademy Awards, USA
1932WinnerOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1932NomineeOscarAcademy Awards, USA
1954WinnerSpecial AwardGolden Globes, USA
1953WinnerCecil B DeMille AwardGolden Globes, USA
1948WinnerSpecial AwardGolden Globes, USA
1966NomineePrimetime EmmyPrimetime Emmy Awards
1965NomineePrimetime EmmyPrimetime Emmy Awards
1956WinnerPrimetime EmmyPrimetime Emmy Awards
1955NomineePrimetime EmmyPrimetime Emmy Awards
2004WinnerInnovator AwardAmerican Choreography Awards, USA
1975WinnerWinsor McCay AwardAnnie Awards
1954WinnerSpecial Prize of the Senate of BerlinBerlin International Film Festival
1954NomineeGrand Prize of the FestivalCannes Film Festival
1953WinnerJury Special PrizeCannes Film Festival
1946NomineeAwardCannes Film Festival
1956WinnerDavidDavid di Donatello Awards
1955WinnerDGA Honorary Life Member AwardDirectors Guild of America, USA
1967WinnerGolden Screen - Special AchievementGolden Screen, Germany
1967WinnerGolden LaurelLaurel Awards
1966WinnerGolden LaurelLaurel Awards
1965WinnerGolden LaurelLaurel Awards
1964WinnerGolden LaurelLaurel Awards
1963WinnerGolden LaurelLaurel Awards
1962WinnerGolden LaurelLaurel Awards
1961WinnerGolden LaurelLaurel Awards
1960NomineeGolden LaurelLaurel Awards
1959NomineeGolden LaurelLaurel Awards
1958NomineeGolden LaurelLaurel Awards
1999WinnerGrand Prix Special des Am?riquesMontr?al World Film Festival
1987WinnerSpecial AwardMotion Picture Screen Cartoonists Awards
1940WinnerSpecial AwardNew York Film Critics Circle Awards
1939WinnerSpecial AwardNew York Film Critics Circle Awards
1997WinnerOFTA Film Hall of FameOnline Film & Television Association
1950WinnerSpecial Jury PrizeVenice Film Festival
1949NomineeGolden LionVenice Film Festival
1948WinnerInternational Award - Animated FilmVenice Film Festival
1938WinnerGrand Biennale Art TrophyVenice Film Festival
1937WinnerBest AnimationVenice Film Festival
1936WinnerSpecial RecommendationVenice Film Festival
1935WinnerBest AnimationVenice Film Festival
1934WinnerGolden MedalVenice Film Festival
1960WinnerStar on the Walk of FameWalk of Fame
1960WinnerStar on the Walk of FameWalk of Fame

Movie list of Walt Disney

Clair de Lune2000producer
Lifestyles of the Rich and Animated1991producer
It's Tough to Be a Bird1969producer
Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day1968producer
The Magical World of Disneyproducer
The Happiest Millionaire1967producer
The Jungle Book1967producer
Scrooge McDuck and Money1967producer
Monkeys, Go Home!1967producer
The Fighting Prince of Donegal1966producer
Follow Me, Boys!1966producer
Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N.1966producer
The Ugly Dachshund1966producer
Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree1966producer
That Darn Cat!1965producer
Goofy's Freeway Troubles1965producer
The Monkey's Uncle1965producer
Freewayphobia #11965producer
Emil and the Detectives1964producer
Mary Poppins1964producer
The Moon-Spinners1964producer
General Electric Carousel of Progress1964producer
The Misadventures of Merlin Jones1964producer
The Sword in the Stone1963producer
Dr. Syn, Alias the Scarecrow1963producer
The Three Lives of Thomasina1963producer
The Incredible Journey1963producer
Summer Magic1963producer
Savage Sam1963producer
Yellowstone Cubs1963producer
Miracle of the White Stallions1963producer
Son of Flubber1963producer
A Symposium on Popular Songs1962producer
Almost Angels1962producer
Big Red1962producer
Bon Voyage!1962producer
The Prince and the Pauper1962producer
Moon Pilot1962producer
Greyfriars Bobby: The True Story of a Dog1961producer
Donald and the Wheel1961producer
The Litterbug1961producer
The Parent Trap1961producer
The Absent Minded Professor1961producer
The Saga of Windwagon Smith1961producer
One Hundred and One Dalmatians1961producer
Donald Duck and his Companions1960producer
The Horse with the Flying Tail1960producer
Swiss Family Robinson1960producer
Ten Who Dared1960producer
Babes in Toyland1960producer
Goliath II1960producer
Noah's Ark1959producer
Third Man on the Mountain1959producer
How to Have an Accident at Work1959producer
Donald in Mathmagic Land1959producer
Darby O'Gill and the Little People1959producer
Disneyland '591959producer
Grand Canyon1958producer
The Sign of Zorro1958producer
White Wilderness1958producer
Paul Bunyan1958producer
Ama Girls1958producer
The Light in the Forest1958producer
Old Yeller1957producer
The Truth About Mother Goose1957producer
Johnny Tremain1957producer
The Story of Anyburg U.S.A.1957producer
The Wetback Hound1957producer
I'm No Fool Having Fun1956producer
Disneyland, U.S.A.1956producer
Westward Ho, the Wagons!1956producer
You and Your Senses of Smell and Taste1956producer
I'm No Fool in Water1956producer
A Cowboy Needs a Horse1956producer
I'm No Fool as a Pedestrian1956producer
You and Your Ears1956producer
In the Bag1956producer
Jack and Old Mac1956producer
How to Have an Accident in the Home1956producer
I'm No Fool with a Bicycle1956producer
Hooked Bear1956producer
Chips Ahoy1956producer
Corky and White Shadow1956producer
The Great Locomotive Chase1956producer
I'm No Fool with Fire1955producer
You and Your Five Senses1955producer
You and Your Food1955producer
You and Your Sense of Touch1955producer
Men Against the Arctic1955producer
You the Human Animal1955producer
Up a Tree1955producer
Beezy Bear1955producer
Bearly Asleep1955producer
Dateline: Disneyland1955producer
Music Land1955producer
Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier1955producer
Contrast in Rhythm1955producer
No Hunting1955producer
Johnnie Fedora and Alice Bluebonnet1954producer
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea1954producer
Grand Canyonscope1954producer
The Flying Squirrel1954producer
Social Lion1954producer
The Vanishing Prairie1954producer
Grin and Bear It1954producer
Dragon Around1954producer
Casey Bats Again1954producer
Pigs Is Pigs1954producer
Two for the Record1954producer
The Lone Chipmunks1954producer
Stormy, the Thoroughbred1954producer
Donald's Diary1954producer
Spare the Rod1954producer
Canvas Back Duck1953producer
How to Sleep1953producer
Working for Peanuts1953producer
Ben and Me1953producer
The Living Desert1953producer
Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom1953producer
Rob Roy: The Highland Rogue1953producer
Rugged Bear1953producer
Football Now and Then1953producer
The New Neighbor1953producer
The Sword and the Rose1953producer
How to Dance1953producer
Father's Week-end1953producer
Don's Fountain of Youth1953producer
For Whom the Bulls Toil1953producer
The Simple Things1953producer
Father's Day Off1953producer
The Alaskan Eskimo1953producer
Bear Country1953producer
Peter Pan1953producer
How to Be a Detective1952producer
Pluto's Christmas Tree1952producer
Two Weeks Vacation1952producer
Trick or Treat1952producer
Pluto's Party1952producer
The Little House1952producer
Uncle Donald's Ants1952producer
Teachers Are People1952producer
Water Birds1952producer
Susie the Little Blue Coupe1952producer
Two Gun Goofy1952producer
Let's Stick Together1952producer
Man's Best Friend1952producer
Two Chips and a Miss1952producer
The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men1952producer
Hello Aloha1952producer
Lambert the Sheepish Lion1952producer
Donald Applecore1952producer
Father's Lion1952producer
Bee on Guard1951producer
No Smoking1951producer
Out of Scale1951producer
Fathers Are People1951producer
Cold Turkey1951producer
Get Rich Quick1951producer
R'coon Dawg1951producer
How to Catch a Cold1951producer
Nature's Half Acre1951producer
Alice in Wonderland1951producer
Lucky Number1951producer
Tomorrow We Diet!1951producer
Operation Wonderland1951producer
Test Pilot Donald1951producer
Cold War1951producer
Corn Chips1951producer
Home Made Home1951producer
Dude Duck1951producer
Cold Storage1951producer
Chicken in the Rough1951producer
Lion Down1951producer
Out on a Limb1950producer
Morris the Midget Moose1950producer
Hold That Pose1950producer
Bee at the Beach1950producer
Camp Dog1950producer
Hook, Lion and Sinker1950producer
Food for Feudin'1950producer
Pests of the West1950producer
Beaver Valley1950producer
Motor Mania1950producer
Treasure Island1950producer
Puss Cafe1950producer
Primitive Pluto1950producer
Trailer Horn1950producer
Wonder Dog1950producer
Crazy Over Daisy1950producer
The Brave Engineer1950producer
Pluto and the Gopher1950producer
Lion Around1950producer
Pluto's Heart Throb1950producer
Toy Tinkers1949producer
Slide Donald Slide1949producer
Sheep Dog1949producer
The Greener Yard1949producer
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow1949producer
The Wind in the Willows1949producer
Goofy Gymnastics1949producer
All in a Nutshell1949producer
Tennis Racquet1949producer
Honey Harvester1949producer
Bubble Bee1949producer
Winter Storage1949producer
Pluto's Sweater1949producer
Sea Salts1949producer
Pluto's Surprise Package1949producer
Donald's Happy Birthday1949producer
Pueblo Pluto1949producer
Tea for Two Hundred1948producer
Seal Island1948producer
Mickey and the Seal1948producer
So Dear to My Heart1948producer
Three for Breakfast1948producer
Soup's On1948producer
Pluto's Fledgling1948producer
Inferior Decorator1948producer
Cat Nap Pluto1948producer
The Trial of Donald Duck1948producer
Pluto's Purchase1948producer
Blame It on the Samba1948producer
Bumble Boogie1948producer
Little Toot1948producer
Melody Time1948producer
Once Upon a Wintertime1948producer
Pecos Bill1948producer
The Legend of Johnny Appleseed1948producer
Donald's Dream Voice1948producer
Bone Bandit1948producer
Daddy Duck1948producer
Mickey Down Under1948producer
Drip Dippy Donald1948producer
The Big Wash1948producer
They're Off1948producer
Pluto's Blue Note1947producer
Chip an' Dale1947producer
Mail Dog1947producer
Foul Hunting1947producer
Mickey's Delayed Date1947producer
Mickey and the Beanstalk1947producer
Wide Open Spaces1947producer
Bootle Beetle1947producer
Crazy with the Heat1947producer
Donald's Dilemma1947producer
Clown of the Jungle1947producer
Figaro and Frankie1947producer
Sleepy Time Donald1947producer
Straight Shooters1947producer
Rescue Dog1947producer
Pluto's Housewarming1947producer
All the Cats Join In1946producer
Casey at the Bat1946producer
Johnnie Fedora and Alice Bluebonnet1946producer
The Martins and the Coys1946producer
Double Dribble1946producer
Song of the South1946producer
Frank Duck Brings 'em Back Alive1946producer
Defense Against Invasion1946producer
The Story of Menstruation1946producer
Bath Day1946producer
Lighthouse Keeping1946producer
Dumb Bell of the Yukon1946producer
After You've Gone1946producer
Blue Bayou1946producer
Peter and the Wolf1946producer
The Whale Who Wanted to Sing at the Met1946producer
Wet Paint1946producer
The Purloined Pup1946producer
Donald's Double Trouble1946producer
Squatter's Rights1946producer
In Dutch1946producer
Pluto's Kid Brother1946producer
A Knight for a Day1946producer
The Cold-Blooded Penguin1945producer
The Flying Gauchito1945producer
Old Sequoia1945producer
Canine Patrol1945producer
Cured Duck1945producer
Hockey Homicide1945producer
No Sail1945producer
The Legend of Coyote Rock1945producer
Duck Pimples1945producer
Canine Casanova1945producer
Californy er Bust1945producer
Donald's Crime1945producer
African Diary1945producer
The Eyes Have It1945producer
Dog Watch1945producer
The Clock Watcher1945producer
Tiger Trouble1945producer
The Three Caballeros1944producer
Donald's Off Day1944producer
First Aiders1944producer
How to Play Football1944producer
The Plastics Inventor1944producer
Springtime for Pluto1944producer
Commando Duck1944producer
Contrary Condor1944producer
Donald Duck and the Gorilla1944producer
How to Play Golf1944producer
Trombone Trouble1944producer
How to Be a Sailor1944producer
The Pelican and the Snipe1944producer
British Torpedo Plane Tactics1943producer
Chicken Little1943producer
Home Defense1943producer
The Old Army Game1943producer
The Winged Scourge1943producer
Figaro and Cleo1943producer
Reason and Emotion1943producer
Victory Vehicles1943producer
Victory Through Air Power1943producer
Fall Out-Fall in1943producer
Private Pluto1943producer
The Flying Jalopy1943producer
Pluto and the Armadillo1943producer
El Gaucho Goofy1943producer
Donald's Tire Trouble1943producer
Education for Death: The Making of the Nazi1943producer
The Spirit of '431943producer
The Grain That Built a Hemisphere1943producer
Aquarela do Brasil1942producer
Der Fuehrer's Face1942producer
Bellboy Donald1942producer
How to Fish1942producer
Pluto at the Zoo1942producer
Sky Trooper1942producer
How to Swim1942producer
The Olympic Champ1942producer
The Vanishing Private1942producer
How to Play Baseball1942producer
Donald Duck Visits Lake Titicaca1942producer
T-Bone for Two1942producer
Out of the Frying Pan Into the Firing Line1942producer
Donald's Gold Mine1942producer
Food Will Win the War1942producer
The Sleepwalker1942producer
Donald's Garden1942producer
The Army Mascot1942producer
Donald Gets Drafted1942producer
Donald's Snow Fight1942producer
Stop That Tank!1942producer
Symphony Hour1942producer
Pluto Junior1942producer
Mickey's Birthday Party1942producer
The New Spirit1942producer
The Village Smithy1942producer
All Together1942producer
Donald's Decision1942producer
The Art of Self Defense1941producer
7 Wise Dwarfs1941producer
Chef Donald1941producer
The Thrifty Pig1941producer
The Art of Skiing1941producer
Donald's Camera1941producer
Lend a Paw1941producer
Old MacDonald Duck1941producer
Orphans' Benefit1941producer
Truant Officer Donald1941producer
Early to Bed1941producer
The Nifty Nineties1941producer
Canine Caddy1941producer
A Good Time for a Dime1941producer
Baggage Buster1941producer
A Gentleman's Gentleman1941producer
Golden Eggs1941producer
The Little Whirlwind1941producer
Pluto's Playmate1941producer
The Reluctant Dragon1941/Iproducer
Pantry Pirate1940producer
Fire Chief1940producer
Goofy's Glider1940producer
Mr. Mouse Takes a Trip1940producer
Window Cleaners1940producer
Pluto's Dream House1940producer
Donald's Vacation1940producer
Put-Put Troubles1940producer
Bone Trouble1940producer
Mr. Duck Steps Out1940producer
Tugboat Mickey1940producer
Donald's Dog Laundry1940producer
The Riveter1940producer
Officer Duck1939producer
The Autograph Hound1939producer
Donald's Penguin1939producer
The Pointer1939producer
Sea Scouts1939producer
Beach Picnic1939producer
Donald's Cousin Gus1939producer
The Hockey Champ1939producer
Ugly Duckling1939producer
Goofy and Wilbur1939producer
The Practical Pig1939producer
Mickey's Surprise Party1939producer
Society Dog Show1939producer
Donald's Lucky Day1939producer
The Standard Parade1939producer
Mother Goose Goes Hollywood1938producer
Ferdinand the Bull1938producer
Donald's Golf Game1938producer
Farmyard Symphony1938producer
Brave Little Tailor1938producer
Mickey's Parrot1938producer
The Whalers1938producer
The Fox Hunt1938producer
Good Scouts1938producer
Polar Trappers1938producer
Wynken, Blynken & Nod1938producer
Mickey's Trailer1938producer
Donald's Nephews1938producer
Moth and the Flame1938producer
Donald's Better Self1938producer
Boat Builders1938producer
Self Control1938producer
Lonesome Ghosts1937producer
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs1937producer
Donald's Ostrich1937producer
Pluto's Quin-puplets1937producer
The Old Mill1937producer
Clock Cleaners1937producer
Hawaiian Holiday1937producer
Modern Inventions1937producer
Little Hiawatha1937producer
Mickey's Amateurs1937producer
Woodland Caf1937producer
Moose Hunters1937producer
Magician Mickey1937producer
Don Donald1937producer
The Worm Turns1937producer
More Kittens1936producer
Mother Pluto1936producer
The Country Cousin1936producer
Mickey's Elephant1936producer
Three Blind Mouseketeers1936producer
Donald and Pluto1936producer
Toby Tortoise Returns1936producer
Mickey's Circus1936producer
Alpine Climbers1936producer
Mickey's Rival1936producer
Moving Day1936producer
Thru the Mirror1936producer
Three Little Wolves1936producer
Elmer Elephant1936producer
Mickey's Grand Opera1936producer
Orphans' Picnic1936producer
Mickey's Polo Team1936producer
Broken Toys1935producer
Cock o' the Walk1935producer
Three Orphan Kittens1935producer
Music Land1935producer
On Ice1935producer
Pluto's Judgement Day1935producer
Mickey's Fire Brigade1935producer
Mickey's Garden1935producer
Who Killed Cock Robin?1935producer
The Cookie Carnival1935producer
Water Babies1935producer
Mickey's Kangaroo1935producer
The Robber Kitten1935producer
The Golden Touch1935producer
Mickey's Service Station1935producer
The Band Concert1935producer
Mickey's Man Friday1935producer
The Tortoise and the Hare1935producer
Two-Gun Mickey1934producer
The Dognapper1934producer
The Goddess of Spring1934producer
Mickey Plays Papa1934producer
Peculiar Penguins1934producer
Orphan's Benefit1934producer
The Flying Mouse1934producer
Mickey's Steam Roller1934producer
The Wise Little Hen1934producer
The Hot Choc-late Soldiers1934producer
Gulliver Mickey1934producer
The Big Bad Wolf1934producer
Funny Little Bunnies1934producer
Playful Pluto1934producer
Camping Out1934producer
The Grasshopper and the Ants1934producer
The China Shop1934producer
The Night Before Christmas1933producer
The Pet Store1933producer
The Steeple Chase1933producer
The Pied Piper1933producer
Lullaby Land1933producer
Puppy Love1933producer
Old King Cole1933producer
Mickey's Mechanical Man1933producer
Mickey's Gala Premier1933producer
Three Little Pigs1933producer
The Mail Pilot1933producer
Father Noah's Ark1933producer
Ye Olden Days1933producer
Mickey's Mellerdrammer1933producer
Birds in the Spring1933producer
Mickey's Pal Pluto1933producer
The Mad Doctor1933producer
Building a Building1933producer
Mickey's Good Deed1932producer
Santa's Workshop1932producer
Babes in the Woods1932producer
Parade of the Award Nominees1932producer
The Klondike Kid1932producer
The Wayward Canary1932producer
Touchdown Mickey1932producer
Bugs in Love1932producer
The Whoopee Party1932producer
King Neptune1932producer
Trader Mickey1932producer
Mickey's Nightmare1932producer
Flowers and Trees1932producer
Just Dogs1932producer
Mickey in Arabia1932producer
Musical Farmer1932producer
The Bears and Bees1932producer
Mickey's Revue1932producer
Barnyard Olympics1932producer
The Mad Dog1932producer
The Grocery Boy1932producer
The Duck Hunt1932producer
The Bird Store1932producer
The Ugly Duckling1931producer
Mickey's Orphans1931producer
Mickey Cuts Up1931producer
The Beach Party1931producer
The Fox Hunt1931producer
The Spider and the Fly1931producer
The Barnyard Broadcast1931producer
The Clock Store1931producer
Fishin' Around1931producer
Egyptian Melodies1931producer
Blue Rhythm1931producer
The Cat's Out1931producer
Mickey Steps Out1931producer
The Busy Beavers1931producer
The Delivery Boy1931producer
The China Plate1931producer
The Moose Hunt1931producer
Mother Goose Melodies1931producer
The Castaway1931producer
Traffic Troubles1931producer
Birds of a Feather1931producer
The Birthday Party1931producer
Minnie's Yoo Hoo1930producer
Playful Pan1930producer
Pioneer Days1930producer
The Picnic1930producer
The Gorilla Mystery1930producer
Monkey Melodies1930producer
The Chain Gang1930producer
The Shindig1930producer
Midnight in a Toy Shop1930producer
Arctic Antics1930producer
The Fire Fighters1930producer
Frolicking Fish1930producer
The Cactus Kid1930producer
Fiddling Around1930producer
Cannibal Capers1930producer
The Barnyard Concert1930producer
The Merry Dwarfs1929producer
The Haunted House1929producer
Hell's Bells1929producer
Jungle Rhythm1929producer
El terrible toreador1929producer
The Skeleton Dance1929producer
Wild Waves1929producer
The Jazz Fool1929producer
The Plowboy1929producer
Mickey's Follies1929producer
Mickey's Choo-Choo1929producer
The Karnival Kid1929producer
The Barnyard Battle1929producer
When the Cat's Away1929producer
The Opry House1929/Iproducer
The Barn Dance1929producer
The Gallopin' Gaucho1928producer
Plane Crazy1928producer
Steamboat Willie1928producer
Alice in the Big League1927producer
Alice the Beach Nut1927producer
Alice's Medicine Show1927producer
Alice in the Klondike1927producer
Alice's Channel Swim1927producer
Alice's Picnic1927producer
Alice's Knaughty Knight1927producer
Alice's Three Bad Eggs1927producer
Alice's Circus Daze1927producer
Alice's Auto Race1927producer
Alice in the Alps1927producer
Alice the Collegiate1927producer
Alice at the Rodeo1927producer
Alice at the Carnival1927producer
Alice Foils the Pirates1927producer
Alice the Golf Bug1927producer
Alice the Lumberjack1926producer
Alice's Brown Derby1926producer
Alice's Spanish Guitar1926producer
Alice Helps the Romance1926producer
Alice Cuts the Ice1926producer
Alice the Fire Fighter1926producer
Alice in the Wooly West1926producer
Alice in Slumberland1926producer
Alice's Monkey Business1926producer
Alice Charms the Fish1926producer
Clara Cleans Her Teeth1926producer
Alice's Little Parade1926producer
Alice's Balloon Race1926producer
Alice's Orphan1926producer
Alice on the Farm1926producer
Alice Rattled by Rats1925producer
Alice Plays Cupid1925producer
Alice Chops the Suey1925producer
Alice's Tin Pony1925producer
Alice Picks the Champ1925producer
Alice Wins the Derby1925producer
Alice Is Stage Struck1925producer
Alice Loses Out1925producer
Alice Solves the Puzzle1925producer
Alice Gets Stung1925producer
Alice the Toreador1925producer
Alice Cans the Cannibals1925producer
Alice the Piper1924producer
Alice and the Three Bears1924producer
Alice Hunting in Africa1924producer
Alice and the Dog Catcher1924producer
Alice's Fishy Story1924producer
Alice's Spooky Adventure1924producer
Alice's Day at Sea1924producer
Alice's Wonderland1923producer
A Pirate for a Day1922producer
The Woodland Potter1922producer
Tommy Tucker's Tooth1922producer
Puss in Boots1922producer
Goldie Locks and the Three Bears1922producer
Jack the Giant Killer1922producer
Jack and the Beanstalk1922producer
The Four Musicians of Bremen1922producer
Little Red Riding Hood1922/IIproducer
The Mickey Mouse Club1955-1958actor
The Magical World of Disney1955actor
Mickey's Delayed Date1947actor
Fun and Fancy Free1947actor
Mickey and the Beanstalk1947actor
Squatter's Rights1946actor
Pluto and the Armadillo1943actor
Symphony Hour1942actor
Mickey's Birthday Party1942actor
All Together1942actor
Lend a Paw1941actor
Orphans' Benefit1941actor
The Nifty Nineties1941actor
Canine Caddy1941actor
A Gentleman's Gentleman1941actor
The Little Whirlwind1941actor
The Reluctant Dragon1941/Iactor
Mr. Mouse Takes a Trip1940actor
Pluto's Dream House1940actor
Tugboat Mickey1940actor
The Pointer1939actor
Mickey's Surprise Party1939actor
Society Dog Show1939actor
Ferdinand the Bull1938actor
Mickey, The News Man1938actor
Brave Little Tailor1938actor
Mickey's Parrot1938actor
The Whalers1938actor
The Fox Hunt1938actor
Mickey's Trailer1938actor
Boat Builders1938actor
Lonesome Ghosts1937actor
Clock Cleaners1937actor
Hawaiian Holiday1937actor
Mickey's Amateurs1937actor
Moose Hunters1937actor
Magician Mickey1937actor
The Worm Turns1937actor
Mickey's Elephant1936actor
Mickey's Circus1936actor
Alpine Climbers1936actor
Mickey's Rival1936actor
Moving Day1936actor
Thru the Mirror1936actor
Mickey's Grand Opera1936actor
Orphans' Picnic1936actor
Mickey's Polo Team1936actor
On Ice1935actor
Pluto's Judgement Day1935actor
Mickey's Fire Brigade1935actor
Mickey's Garden1935actor
Mickey's Kangaroo1935actor
Mickey's Service Station1935actor
Mickey's Man Friday1935actor
Two-Gun Mickey1934actor
Mickey Plays Papa1934actor
Orphan's Benefit1934actor
Mickey's Steam Roller1934actor
Hollywood Party1934actor
The Hot Choc-late Soldiers1934actor
Gulliver Mickey1934actor
Playful Pluto1934actor
Camping Out1934actor
The Pet Store1933actor
The Steeple Chase1933actor
Puppy Love1933actor
Mickey's Mechanical Man1933actor
Mickey's Gala Premier1933actor
The Mail Pilot1933actor
Ye Olden Days1933actor
Mickey's Mellerdrammer1933actor
Mickey's Pal Pluto1933actor
The Mad Doctor1933actor
Building a Building1933actor
Mickey's Good Deed1932actor
Santa's Workshop1932actor
The Klondike Kid1932actor
The Wayward Canary1932actor
Touchdown Mickey1932actor
The Whoopee Party1932actor
Trader Mickey1932actor
Mickey's Nightmare1932actor
Mickey in Arabia1932actor
Musical Farmer1932actor
Mickey's Revue1932actor
Barnyard Olympics1932actor
The Mad Dog1932actor
The Grocery Boy1932actor
The Duck Hunt1932actor
Mickey's Orphans1931actor
Mickey Cuts Up1931actor
The Beach Party1931actor
The Barnyard Broadcast1931actor
Fishin' Around1931actor
Blue Rhythm1931actor
Mickey Steps Out1931actor
The Delivery Boy1931actor
The Moose Hunt1931actor
Mother Goose Melodies1931actor
The Castaway1931actor
Traffic Troubles1931actor
The Birthday Party1931actor
Minnie's Yoo Hoo1930actor
Pioneer Days1930actor
The Picnic1930actor
The Gorilla Mystery1930actor
The Chain Gang1930actor
The Shindig1930actor
The Fire Fighters1930actor
The Cactus Kid1930actor
Fiddling Around1930actor
The Barnyard Concert1930actor
The Haunted House1929actor
Jungle Rhythm1929actor
The Jazz Fool1929actor
The Plowboy1929actor
Mickey's Follies1929actor
Mickey's Choo-Choo1929actor
The Karnival Kid1929actor
The Barn Dance1929actor
The Gallopin' Gaucho1928actor
Plane Crazy1928actor
Steamboat Willie1928actor
Alice's Fishy Story1924actor
Alice's Wonderland1923actor
Los comienzos de la animacin1995director
General Electric Carousel of Progress1964director
The Golden Touch1935director
The Hot Choc-late Soldiers1934director
Parade of the Award Nominees1932director
Minnie's Yoo Hoo1930director
The Cactus Kid1930director
Fiddling Around1930director
The Barnyard Concert1930director
The Merry Dwarfs1929director
The Haunted House1929director
Jungle Rhythm1929director
El terrible toreador1929director
The Skeleton Dance1929director
The Jazz Fool1929director
The Plowboy1929director
The Karnival Kid1929director
When the Cat's Away1929director
The Opry House1929/Idirector
The Barn Dance1929director
Sky Scrappers1928director
Hot Dog1928director
Sleigh Bells1928director
Tall Timber1928director
The Fox Chase1928director
Poor Papa1928director
Oh What a Knight1928director
Plane Crazy1928director
Steamboat Willie1928director
Hungry Hoboes1928director
Ozzie of the Mounted1928director
Ride 'Em Plowboy1928director
Sagebrush Sadie1928director
Bright Lights1928director
Rival Romeos1928director
Africa Before Dark1928director
The Ol' Swimmin' Hole1928director
Neck 'n' Neck1928director
Harem Scarem1928director
Rickety Gin1927director
Empty Socks1927director
The Banker's Daughter1927director
The Ocean Hop1927director
All Wet1927/IIdirector
Great Guns1927/Idirector
The Mechanical Cow1927director
Oh Teacher1927director
Alice in the Big League1927director
Alice the Beach Nut1927director
Alice the Whaler1927director
Alice's Medicine Show1927director
Trolley Troubles1927director
Alice in the Klondike1927director
Alice's Channel Swim1927director
Alice's Picnic1927director
Alice's Knaughty Knight1927director
Alice's Three Bad Eggs1927director
Alice's Circus Daze1927director
Alice's Auto Race1927director
Alice in the Alps1927director
Alice the Collegiate1927director
Alice at the Rodeo1927director
Alice at the Carnival1927director
Alice Foils the Pirates1927director
Alice the Golf Bug1927director
Alice the Lumberjack1926director
Alice's Brown Derby1926director
Alice's Spanish Guitar1926director
Alice Helps the Romance1926director
Alice Cuts the Ice1926director
Alice the Fire Fighter1926director
Alice in the Wooly West1926director
Alice in Slumberland1926director
Alice's Monkey Business1926director
Alice Charms the Fish1926director
Alice's Mysterious Mystery1926director
Alice's Little Parade1926director
Alice's Balloon Race1926director
Alice's Orphan1926director
Alice on the Farm1926director
Alice in the Jungle1925director
Alice Rattled by Rats1925director
Alice Plays Cupid1925director
Alice the Jail Bird1925director
Alice Chops the Suey1925director
Alice's Tin Pony1925director
Alice Picks the Champ1925director
Alice Wins the Derby1925director
Alice Is Stage Struck1925director
Alice Loses Out1925director
Alice's Egg Plant1925director
Alice Solves the Puzzle1925director
Alice Gets Stung1925director
Alice the Toreador1925director
Alice Cans the Cannibals1925director
Alice the Piper1924director
Alice and the Three Bears1924director
Alice Hunting in Africa1924director
Alice Gets in Dutch1924director
Alice the Peacemaker1924director
Alice and the Dog Catcher1924director
Alice's Fishy Story1924director
Alice's Wild West Show1924director
Alice's Spooky Adventure1924director
Alice's Day at Sea1924director
Alice's Wonderland1923director
A Pirate for a Day1922director
The Woodland Potter1922director
Tommy Tucker's Tooth1922director
Puss in Boots1922director
Goldie Locks and the Three Bears1922director
Jack the Giant Killer1922director
Jack and the Beanstalk1922director
The Four Musicians of Bremen1922director
Little Red Riding Hood1922/IIdirector
Cleaning Up!!?1921director
Did You Ever Take a Ride Over Kansas City Street 'In a Fliver'1921director
Kansas City's Spring Clean-up1921director
Kansas City Girls Are Rolling Their Own Now1921director
The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band1968miscellaneous
Blackbeard's Ghost1968miscellaneous
The Happiest Millionaire1967miscellaneous
Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar1967miscellaneous
The Jungle Book1967miscellaneous
The Gnome-Mobile1967miscellaneous
The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin1967miscellaneous
Monkeys, Go Home!1967miscellaneous
Follow Me, Boys!1966miscellaneous
Run, Appaloosa, Run1966miscellaneous
Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N.1966miscellaneous
The Ugly Dachshund1966miscellaneous
That Darn Cat!1965miscellaneous
The Monkey's Uncle1965miscellaneous
Those Calloways1965miscellaneous
The Magical World of Disney1954-1965miscellaneous
Emil and the Detectives1964miscellaneous
Mary Poppins1964miscellaneous
The Moon-Spinners1964miscellaneous
The Tattooed Police Horse1964miscellaneous
A Tiger Walks1964miscellaneous
The Sword in the Stone1963miscellaneous
The Three Lives of Thomasina1963miscellaneous
Summer Magic1963miscellaneous
Son of Flubber1963miscellaneous
A Symposium on Popular Songs1962miscellaneous
In Search of the Castaways1962miscellaneous
The Legend of Lobo1962miscellaneous
Moon Pilot1962miscellaneous
Greyfriars Bobby: The True Story of a Dog1961miscellaneous
Nikki, Wild Dog of the North1961miscellaneous
The Parent Trap1961miscellaneous
The Absent Minded Professor1961miscellaneous
The Horse with the Flying Tail1960miscellaneous
Swiss Family Robinson1960miscellaneous
Jungle Cat1960miscellaneous
Islands of the Sea1960miscellaneous
Toby Tyler or Ten Weeks with a Circus1960miscellaneous
Mysteries of the Deep1959miscellaneous
Third Man on the Mountain1959miscellaneous
Darby O'Gill and the Little People1959miscellaneous
Eyes in Outer Space1959miscellaneous
The Shaggy Dog1959miscellaneous
Sleeping Beauty1959miscellaneous
Grand Canyon1958miscellaneous
The Sign of Zorro1958miscellaneous
White Wilderness1958miscellaneous
Old Yeller1957miscellaneous
Johnny Tremain1957miscellaneous
Westward Ho, the Wagons!1956miscellaneous
Secrets of Life1956miscellaneous
The Great Locomotive Chase1956miscellaneous
The Littlest Outlaw1955miscellaneous
The African Lion1955miscellaneous
Lady and the Tramp1955miscellaneous
Music Land1955miscellaneous
Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier1955miscellaneous
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea1954miscellaneous
The Vanishing Prairie1954miscellaneous
The Living Desert1953miscellaneous
Prowlers of the Everglades1953miscellaneous
The Sword and the Rose1953miscellaneous
Bear Country1953miscellaneous
Peter Pan1953miscellaneous
Water Birds1952miscellaneous
The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men1952miscellaneous
The Olympic Elk1952miscellaneous
Nature's Half Acre1951miscellaneous
Alice in Wonderland1951miscellaneous
Beaver Valley1950miscellaneous
Treasure Island1950miscellaneous
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad1949miscellaneous
The Window1949miscellaneous
Seal Island1948miscellaneous
Melody Time1948miscellaneous
Fun and Fancy Free1947miscellaneous
Make Mine Music1946miscellaneous
The Three Caballeros1944miscellaneous
How to Play Football1944miscellaneous
Victory Through Air Power1943miscellaneous
Saludos Amigos1942miscellaneous
Chef Donald1941miscellaneous
The Art of Skiing1941miscellaneous
The Little Whirlwind1941miscellaneous
The Reluctant Dragon1941/Imiscellaneous
The Pointer1939miscellaneous
The Practical Pig1939miscellaneous
Ferdinand the Bull1938miscellaneous
Polar Trappers1938miscellaneous
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs1937miscellaneous
Michael O'Halloran1937miscellaneous
The Wise Little Hen1934miscellaneous
The Big Bad Wolf1934miscellaneous
Three Little Pigs1933miscellaneous
Birds in the Spring1933miscellaneous
Santa's Workshop1932miscellaneous
The Merry Dwarfs1929miscellaneous
Disney Infinity 3.02015writer
Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes2014writer
Disney Princess Sing Along Songs: Enchanted Tea Party2005writer
Land of Illusion1993writer
World of Illusion Starring Disney's Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck1992writer
Castle of Illusion1990writer
Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N.1966writer
The Mickey Mouse Club1955writer
Nimbus libr1944writer
Sleigh Bells1928writer
Poor Papa1928writer
Steamboat Willie1928writer
Trolley Troubles1927writer
Alice's Wonderland1923writer
Jack the Giant Killer1922writer
Servants' Entrance1934animation_department
The Skeleton Dance1929animation_department
Trolley Troubles1927animation_department
Alice Hunting in Africa1924animation_department
Alice and the Dog Catcher1924animation_department
Alice's Fishy Story1924animation_department
Alice's Wild West Show1924animation_department
Alice's Spooky Adventure1924animation_department
Alice's Day at Sea1924animation_department
Puss in Boots1922animation_department
Goldie Locks and the Three Bears1922animation_department
Jack and the Beanstalk1922animation_department
The Four Musicians of Bremen1922animation_department
Little Red Riding Hood1922/IIanimation_department
Newman Laugh-O-Grams1921animation_department
The Simpsons2016soundtrack
Get a Horse!2013soundtrack
The Boys: The Sherman Brothers' Story2009soundtrack
House of Mousesoundtrack
Piccadilly Incident1946soundtrack
Cleaning Up!!?1921editor
Did You Ever Take a Ride Over Kansas City Street 'In a Fliver'1921editor
Kansas City's Spring Clean-up1921editor
Kansas City Girls Are Rolling Their Own Now1921editor
The Wonderful World of Disney2001camera_department
Saludos Amigos1942camera_department
Newman Laugh-O-Grams1921art_department
Peter Panthanks
Bird of Steel!thanks
Kimbra's Wish: A Disney Tribute2015thanks
Walt Before Mickey2015thanks
Variations on a High School Romance2010thanks
Animation Lookback2009thanks
The Age of Believing: The Disney Live Action Classics2008thanks
Artists of the Roundtable2008thanks
Shipwrecked Adventures of Donkey Ollie2007thanks
X-Men: Mutant Academy 22001thanks
Dieter & Andreas1989thanks
Cri Cri el grillito cantor1963thanks
The Fred Waring Show1951thanks
If You Knew Susie1948thanks
Walt Disney2015self
The Magical World of Disney1954-1967self
The Jack Benny Hour1965self
Donald's Fire Survival Plan1965self
For the Love of Willadean1964self
L'ami public numro un1962self
Cinq colonnes la une1962self
Squaw Valley 1960: VIII Winter Olympics1960self
Gala Day at Disneyland1960self
Hedda Hopper's Hollywood1960self
Alan Melville Takes You from A-Z1959self
Disneyland '591959self
4 Artists Paint 1 Tree: A Walt Disney 'Adventure in Art'1958self
The Ed Sullivan Show1953-1956self
Disneyland, U.S.A.1956self
Bilder aus der Neuen Welt1956self
What's My Line?1956self
Adventure in Dairyland1956self
The Colgate Comedy Hour1955self
Dateline: Disneyland1955self
The 27th Annual Academy Awards1955self
The Red Skelton Hour1955self
The 26th Annual Academy Awards1954self
What's My Line1953self
The 25th Annual Academy Awards1953self
A Sporting Oasis1952self
The Walt Disney Christmas Show1951self
Ridin' the Rails1951self
Operation Wonderland1951self
The James Melton Show1951self
The Fred Waring Show1951self
One Hour in Wonderland1950self
Screen Snapshots: Famous Cartoonists1950self
Screen Snapshots Series 25, No. 1: 25th Anniversary1945self
Show-Business at War1943self
South of the Border with Disney1942self
Saludos Amigos1942self
Screen Snapshots Series 19, No. 7: Wardrobe Designers1940self
How Walt Disney Cartoons Are Made1939self
Screen Snapshots Series 17, No. 91938self
A Trip Through the Walt Disney Studios1937self
Screen Snapshots Series 15, No. 71936self
Los Angeles: 'Wonder City of the West'1935self
Hollywood: City of Celluloid1932self
Screen Snapshots Series 9, No. 181930self
Newman Laugh-O-Grams1921self
Les aventures d'archivesarchive_footage
The Movies2019archive_footage
Mickey's 90th Spectacular2018archive_footage
L'Histoire nous le dira2018archive_footage
Wheel of Fortune2017archive_footage
The Marvellous World of Roald Dahl2016archive_footage
Spazz in General2015-2016archive_footage
Nostalgia Critic2016archive_footage
Disney: Beyond the Parks2016archive_footage
Walt Disney2015archive_footage
The Nation's Favourite Disney Song2015archive_footage
Behind the Magic: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs2015archive_footage
American Experience2015archive_footage
The Story of Frozen: Making a Disney Animated Classic2014archive_footage
Unknown Movies2014archive_footage
Walt Disney World Resort Hotels2014archive_footage
Walt Disney e l'Italia - Una storia d'amore2014archive_footage
The Culture Show2013archive_footage
Get a Horse!2013archive_footage
Walt Disney and the Road to Oz2013archive_footage
Some Jerk with a Camera2012-2013archive_footage
Disney Cruise Line: Behind the Magic2013archive_footage
Our Grandpa, Walt Disney2011archive_footage
Aquile senza corona2011archive_footage
Moguls & Movie Stars: A History of Hollywood2010archive_footage
Dali & Disney: A Date with Destino2010archive_footage
Animation Lookback2009-2010archive_footage
Christmas with Walt Disney2009archive_footage
CBS News Sunday Morning2009archive_footage
To Oz! The Making of a Classic2009archive_footage
Waking Sleeping Beauty2009archive_footage
1939: Hollywood's Greatest Year2009archive_footage
Mary Poppins: From Page to Stage2009archive_footage
The Age of Believing: The Disney Live Action Classics2008archive_footage
Mary Pickford: The Muse of the Movies2008archive_footage
Hollywood Singing and Dancing: A Musical History2008archive_footage
Walt & El Grupo2008archive_footage
Redefining the Line: The Making of One Hundred and One Dalmatians2008archive_footage
Hollywood Singing and Dancing: A Musical Treasure2008archive_footage
Disneyland: Secrets, Stories, & Magic2007archive_footage
The Pixar Story2007archive_footage
Sputnik Fever2007archive_footage
The Art of Disney Exhibition2007archive_footage
Cracker Crazy: Invisible Histories of the Sunshine State2007archive_footage
Pretty as a Picture Art and Design2006archive_footage
Ruff Animation2006archive_footage
Silly Symphonies Rediscovered2006archive_footage
The Hardy Boys: From Dixon to Disney2006archive_footage
Working with Walt2006archive_footage
Video on Trial2006archive_footage
Il tait une fois... Walt Disney2006archive_footage
Fred MacMurray: With Fondness2006archive_footage
The Shaggy Dog Kids2006archive_footage
Lady's Pedigree: The Making of 'Lady and the Tramp'2006archive_footage
A Perfect Little Lady: The Story of Lady and the Tramp2006archive_footage
Cinderella: Of Mice and Nine Old Men2005archive_footage
Musically Ever After2005archive_footage
The Art of Mary Blair2005archive_footage
Alice's Cartoon World: An Interview with Virginia Davis2005archive_footage
From Kansas City to Hollywood2005archive_footage
Cinderella That Almost Was2005archive_footage
From Rags to Riches: The Making of Cinderella2005archive_footage
Disneyland: The First 50 Magical Years2005archive_footage
Making of the Sherman Brothers2003archive_footage
Jules Verne & Walt Disney: Explorers of the Imagination2003archive_footage
The Making of '20000 Leagues Under the Sea'2003archive_footage
Walt Disney World Resort: Behind the Scenes2002archive_footage
House of Mouse2002archive_footage
Temalrdag: Walt Disney 100 r2001archive_footage
The Magic Kingdom and the Magic of Television2001archive_footage
Mickey's House of Villains2001archive_footage
Disney's 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs': Still the Fairest of Them All2001archive_footage
The Wonderful World of Disney2001archive_footage
It Conquered Hollywood! The Story of American International Pictures2001archive_footage
Music Magic: The Sherman Brothers - Bedknobs and Broomsticks2001archive_footage
Sir John Mills' Moving Memories2000archive_footage
The Fantasia Legacy: The Concert Feature2000archive_footage
Biography of the Millennium: 100 People - 1000 Years1999archive_footage
Once Upon a Dream: The Making of Walt Disney's 'Sleeping Beauty'1997archive_footage
The Story Behind Walt Disney's 'Fun and Fancy Free'1997archive_footage
You Can Fly!: The Making of Walt Disney's Masterpiece 'Peter Pan'1997archive_footage
Sports on the Silver Screen1997archive_footage
Bambi: The Magic Behind the Masterpiece1997archive_footage
The Walt Disney World Explorer1996archive_footage
Sci-Fi Buzz1995archive_footage
The First 100 Years: A Celebration of American Movies1995archive_footage
Secret Lives1995archive_footage
Great Performances1993archive_footage
The Best of Disney Music: A Legacy in Song - Part I1993archive_footage
Hola Raffaella!1992archive_footage
The Making of 'Beauty and the Beast'1991archive_footage
The Best of Disney: 50 Years of Magic1991archive_footage
Celebrating Walt Disney's 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs': The One That Started It All1990archive_footage
Disney's Cartoon Arcade1990archive_footage
Rootin' Tootin' Roundup1990archive_footage
Goofy's Guide to Success1990archive_footage
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: 50 Years of Magic1990archive_footage
It All Started with a Mouse: The Disney Story1989archive_footage
Mickey's Magical World1988archive_footage
The Art of Disney Animation1988archive_footage
The South Bank Show1988archive_footage
Roger Rabbit and the Secrets of Toon Town1988archive_footage
Mickey's 60th Birthday1988archive_footage
Down and Out with Donald Duck1987archive_footage
The Magical World of Disney1956-1986archive_footage
Walt Disney World: A Dream Come True1986archive_footage
The 3rd Annual Television Academy Hall of Fame Awards1986archive_footage
The Walt Disney Comedy and Magic Revue1985archive_footage
Walt Disney World EPCOT Center: A Souvenir Program1984archive_footage
Donald Duck's 50th Birthday1984archive_footage
A Walt Disney Christmas1982archive_footage
Disney's Halloween Treat1982archive_footage
Red Skelton: A Comedy Scrapbook1981archive_footage
A Dream Called Walt Disney World1981archive_footage
Once Upon a Mouse1981archive_footage
Hollywood on Trial1976archive_footage
Brother Can You Spare a Dime1975archive_footage
The Walt Disney Story1973archive_footage
Hollywood and the Stars1964archive_footage
Hollywood Without Make-Up1963archive_footage
The Ed Sullivan Show1958-1963archive_footage
L'ami public numro un1961archive_footage
Film Time1956archive_footage
Cavalcade of the Academy Awards1940archive_footage
The Movies March On1939archive_footage

Walt Disney Popularity

* 65 is AGE #76
* 1901 is the Birth Year #552
* 12 is the Birth Month #237
* 05 is the BirthDay #330
* Chicago is the birth Place #2202
Celebrity How Calculates Walt Disney Popularity Based on Wiki page views and also our internal Page view count.

Walt Disney Net worth

Check how rich is Walt Disney in 2020? also latest information on Walt Disney cars, Walt Disney income, remuneration, lifestyle.Based on Online sources ( Wikipedia,google Search,Yahoo search) Walt Disney estimated net worth is $ USD 5 Mil and Primary income from film producer,producer,writer,television presenter,animator,voice actor,painter,actor,film director,screenwriter. We don’t have enough evidences on Walt Disney cars, Walt Disney lifestyle. We will update these information soon.

Walt Disney Education

Celebrities Who Attended The Same School as Walt Disney

Facts About Walt Disney

Walt Disney Age as of 2020 is 65
Awards Received by Walt Disney:Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature,Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature,Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film,Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film,National Inventors Hall of F.
Walt Disney Place of Birth is Chicago.