Ahmed Zewail Net worth, Age, Height,Bio

inventor,university teacher,researcher,physicist,chemist

About Ahmed Zewail

Ahmed Zewail is a popular Egypt,United States of America inventor who is most renowned for his inventor,university teacher,researcher,physicist,chemist

Celebrity how publishes up-to date right information on Celebrity Ahmed Zewail ,Mainly about Ahmed Zewail Physical stats(Height,Weight,Hair Colour,Eye Colour) and Ahmed Zewail Biography (Age,Birth Date, Birth Place,Education) and Ahmed Zewail Career (Profession,Net Worth,Famous for,Hobbies).

  • 74 years old.
  • Born in Damanhur
  • Zodiac Sign:Pisces
Age Ahmed Zewail age is 7474
Birth Month 02
Birth Day 26
Professions Count Ahmed Zewail Occupation count is 44
Number of Awards Ahmed Zewail Awards count is 3333

Ahmed Zewail age is around 74,as Ahmed Zewail was born on the 26th of 02, 1946 in Damanhur.

Real Name Ahmed Zewail
Occupation inventor,university teacher,researcher,physicist,chemist
Nationality Egypt,United States of America
Date of Birth 1946/02/26
Birth Year 1946
Birth Month 02
Birth day 26
Age 74
First Name Ahmed,Ahmad
Last Name NA
Gender male
Place of Birth Damanhur
IMDB details nm2212570
Twitter details _zewail_
Awards Receieved Mendel Medal,Herbert P. Broida Award,Knight of the Legion of Honour,Grand Cordon of the National Order of the Cedar,John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship,Foreign Member of the Royal Society,Tolman Award,Alexander von Humboldt Fellow,Officer of the National Order of Merit,Wolf Prize in Chemistry,Welch Award in Chemistry,Welch Award in Chemistry,Welch Award in Chemistry,Fellow of the American Physical Society,S Award in Chemical Sciences,Honorary doctor of the University of Lausanne,Davy Medal,Davy Medal,Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy,Q66881732,Albert Einstein World Award of Science,honorary doctor of the University of Madrid Complutense,Priestley Medal,E. Bright Wilson Award in Spectroscopy,Carl Zeiss Research Award,Order of the Nile,Benjamin Franklin Medal,honorary doctor of the Peking University,King Faisal International Prize in Science,King Faisal International Prize in Science,Humboldt Prize,Nobel Prize in Chemistry,Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Education University of Pennsylvania,University of Pennsylvania,University of Pennsylvania,University of Pennsylvania,Alexandria University,Alexandria University
Employer California Institute of Technology
Languages spoke and written
Name in native language
Death place Pasadena
Religion Islam
Residence Los Angeles County,Desouk

Ahmed Zewail Popularity

* 74 is AGE #98
* 1946 is the Birth Year #204
* 02 is the Birth Month #1092
* 26 is the BirthDay #235
* Damanhur is the birth Place #3571
Celebrity How Calculates Ahmed Zewail Popularity Based on Wiki page views and also our internal Page view count.

Ahmed Zewail Net worth

Check how rich is Ahmed Zewail in 2020? also latest information on Ahmed Zewail cars, Ahmed Zewail income, remuneration, lifestyle.Based on Online sources ( Wikipedia,google Search,Yahoo search) Ahmed Zewail estimated net worth is $ USD 5 Mil and Primary income from inventor,university teacher,researcher,physicist,chemist. We don’t have enough evidences on Ahmed Zewail cars, Ahmed Zewail lifestyle. We will update these information soon.

Ahmed Zewail Home town

Ahmed Zewail hometown is Damanhur.
Browse More Celebrities From Damanhur

Facts About Ahmed Zewail

Ahmed Zewail Age as of 2020 is 74
Awards Received by Ahmed Zewail:Mendel Medal,Herbert P. Broida Award,Knight of the Legion of Honour,Grand Cordon of the National Order of the Cedar,John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship,Foreign Member of the Royal Society,Tolman Award,Alexander von Humboldt Fellow,Officer of the National Order of Merit,Wolf Prize in Chemistry,Welch Award in Chemistry,Welch Award in Chemistry,Welch Award in Chemistry,Fellow of the American Physical Society,S Award in Chemical Sciences,Honorary doctor of the University of Lausanne,Davy Medal,Davy Medal,Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy,Q66881732,Albert Einstein World Award of Science,honorary doctor of the University of Madrid Complutense,Priestley Medal,E. Bright Wilson Award in Spectroscopy,Carl Zeiss Research Award,Order of the Nile,Benjamin Franklin Medal,honorary doctor of the Peking University,King Faisal International Prize in Science,King Faisal International Prize in Science,Humboldt Prize,Nobel Prize in Chemistry,Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Ahmed Zewail Place of Birth is Damanhur.