Al Waleed Bin Talal Net worth, Age, Height,Bio


About Al Waleed Bin Talal

Al Waleed Bin Talal is a popular Lebanon,Saudi Arabia investor who is most renowned for his investor,philanthropist,entrepreneur

Celebrity how publishes up-to date right information on Celebrity Al Waleed Bin Talal ,Mainly about Al Waleed Bin Talal Physical stats(Height,Weight,Hair Colour,Eye Colour) and Al Waleed Bin Talal Biography (Age,Birth Date, Birth Place,Education) and Al Waleed Bin Talal Career (Profession,Net Worth,Famous for,Hobbies).

  • 65 years old.
  • Born in Jeddah
  • Zodiac Sign:Pisces
Age Al Waleed Bin Talal age is 6565
Birth Month 03
Birth Day 07
Professions Count Al Waleed Bin Talal Occupation count is 22
Relationships Al Waleed Bin Talal Number of relationships is 22
Number of Childrens Al Waleed Bin Talal Number of childres is 11
Number of Awards Al Waleed Bin Talal Awards count is 3232

Al Waleed Bin Talal age is around 65,as Al Waleed Bin Talal was born on the 07th of 03, 1955 in Jeddah.

Real Name Al Waleed Bin Talal
Occupation investor,philanthropist,entrepreneur
Nationality Lebanon,Saudi Arabia
Date of Birth 1955/03/07
Birth Year 1955
Birth Month 03
Birth day 07
Age 65
First Name NA
Last Name NA
Gender male
Place of Birth Jeddah
IMDB details nm4044432
Twitter details Alwaleed_Talal
Awards Receieved Commander of the National Order of the Cedar,Order of the Golden Heart of Kenya,Commander of the National Order of Mali,Commander of the Legion of Honour,Order of the cavalier of Madara,National Order of Chad,Officer of the order Orange-Nassau,Order of Diplomatic Service Merit,National Order of Merit,National Order of Madagascar,Grand Officer of the National Order of the Cedar,Order of the Volta,Friendship Order,Family Order of Laila Utama,National Order of Merit,Q3885454,Order of Mono,Order of the Star of Africa,Grand Cross of the Order of Wissam El Alaouite,Order of Merit of Niger,Order of Abdulaziz al Saud,Order of Unity,Order of Umayyad,Order of the Republic of The Gambia,Grand Officer of the National Order of the Lion,Order of the Republic,Order of Brilliant Star,National Order of Merit,Q20830995,Order of the Star of Jordan,The National Order of Burkina Faso,National Order of the Ivory Coast
Childrens Reem bint al-Waleed bin Talal
Education Syracuse University,Menlo College,Menlo College,Menlo College,Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs,Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs,Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
Father Talal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
Languages spoke and written
Name in native language
Owner of Q27602977,Kingdom Holding Company,21st Century Fox,Rotana Group,Alarab News Channel,Kingdom 5KR,Kingdom Centre
Religion Islam
Residence Riyadh
Spouse Ameera al-Taweel,Ameera al-Taweel

Al Waleed Bin Talal Popularity

* 65 is AGE #475
* 1955 is the Birth Year #433
* 03 is the Birth Month #470
* 07 is the BirthDay #1665
* Jeddah is the birth Place #2924
Celebrity How Calculates Al Waleed Bin Talal Popularity Based on Wiki page views and also our internal Page view count.

Al Waleed Bin Talal Net worth

Check how rich is Al Waleed Bin Talal in 2020? also latest information on Al Waleed Bin Talal cars, Al Waleed Bin Talal income, remuneration, lifestyle.Based on Online sources ( Wikipedia,google Search,Yahoo search) Al Waleed Bin Talal estimated net worth is $ USD 10 Mil and Primary income from investor,philanthropist,entrepreneur. We don’t have enough evidences on Al Waleed Bin Talal cars, Al Waleed Bin Talal lifestyle. We will update these information soon.

Facts About Al Waleed Bin Talal

Al Waleed Bin Talal Age as of 2020 is 65
Awards Received by Al Waleed Bin Talal:Commander of the National Order of the Cedar,Order of the Golden Heart of Kenya,Commander of the National Order of Mali,Commander of the Legion of Honour,Order of the cavalier of Madara,National Order of Chad,Officer of the order Orange-Nassau,Order of Diplomatic Service Merit,National Order of Merit,National Order of Madagascar,Grand Officer of the National Order of the Cedar,Order of the Volta,Friendship Order,Family Order of Laila Utama,National Order of Merit,Q3885454,Order of Mono,Order of the Star of Africa,Grand Cross of the Order of Wissam El Alaouite,Order of Merit of Niger,Order of Abdulaziz al Saud,Order of Unity,Order of Umayyad,Order of the Republic of The Gambia,Grand Officer of the National Order of the Lion,Order of the Republic,Order of Brilliant Star,National Order of Merit,Q20830995,Order of the Star of Jordan,The National Order of Burkina Faso,National Order of the Ivory Coast.
Al Waleed Bin Talal Place of Birth is Jeddah.