Antonio Guterres Net worth, Age, Height,Bio

assistant professor,politician,engineer

About Antonio Guterres

Antonio Guterres is a popular Portugal assistant professor who is most renowned for his assistant professor,politician,engineer

Celebrity how publishes up-to date right information on Celebrity Antonio Guterres ,Mainly about Antonio Guterres Physical stats(Height,Weight,Hair Colour,Eye Colour) and Antonio Guterres Biography (Age,Birth Date, Birth Place,Education) and Antonio Guterres Career (Profession,Net Worth,Famous for,Hobbies).

  • 71 years old.
  • Born in Lisbon
  • Zodiac Sign:Taurus
Age Antonio Guterres age is 7171
Birth Month 04
Birth Day 30
Professions Count Antonio Guterres Occupation count is 22
Relationships Antonio Guterres Number of relationships is 33
Number of Awards Antonio Guterres Awards count is 2121

Antonio Guterres age is around 71,as Antonio Guterres was born on the 30th of 04, 1949 in Lisbon.

Real Name Antonio Guterres
Occupation assistant professor,politician,engineer
Nationality Portugal
Date of Birth 1949/04/30
Birth Year 1949
Birth Month 04
Birth day 30
Age 71
First Name Antnio
Last Name Guterres
Gender male
Place of Birth Lisbon
Twitter details antonioguterres
Awards Receieved Order of the Rising Sun, 1st class,Charlemagne Prize,Charlemagne Prize,Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold,Grand Cross of the Military Order of Christ,Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland,Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, 1st class,Collar of the Order of Isabella the Catholic,Freedom Award,Grand Cross of the National Order of Merit,Order of the Republic,Order of Merit,Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic,Grand Cross of the Order of Honour,Grand Cross of the Order of Liberty,Order of the Star of Romania,Grand Cross of the Order of the Southern Cross,Grand Cross of the Order of Charles III,Order of the Aztec Eagle
Education Instituto Superior Tcnico,Instituto Superior Tcnico,Instituto Superior Tcnico,Instituto Superior Tcnico
Employer Technical University of Lisbon
Father Virglio Dias Guterres
Languages spoke and written
Political Party Socialist Party
Name in native language
Official website
Position held President of the Socialist International,President of the Socialist International,President of the Socialist International,President of the Socialist International,member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,General Secretary of the Socialist Party (Portugal),General Secretary of the Socialist Party (Portugal),General Secretary of the Socialist Party (Portugal),General Secretary of the Socialist Party (Portugal),Prime Minister of Portugal,Prime Minister of Portugal,Prime Minister of Portugal,Prime Minister of Portugal,Prime Minister of Portugal,Member of the Assembly of the Republic,Member of the Assembly of the Republic,Member of the Assembly of the Republic,Member of the Assembly of the Republic,Member of the Assembly of the Republic,Member of the Assembly of the Republic,Substitute of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,Substitute of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,Sub
Religion Catholic Church
Spouse Catarina Marques de Almeida Vaz Pinto,Lusa Amlia Guimares e Melo,Lusa Amlia Guimares e Melo

Antonio Guterres Popularity

* 71 is AGE #379
* 1949 is the Birth Year #134
* 04 is the Birth Month #1659
* 30 is the BirthDay #62
* Lisbon is the birth Place #1220
Celebrity How Calculates Antonio Guterres Popularity Based on Wiki page views and also our internal Page view count.

Antonio Guterres Net worth

Check how rich is Antonio Guterres in 2020? also latest information on Antonio Guterres cars, Antonio Guterres income, remuneration, lifestyle.Based on Online sources ( Wikipedia,google Search,Yahoo search) Antonio Guterres estimated net worth is $ USD 7 Mil and Primary income from assistant professor,politician,engineer. We don’t have enough evidences on Antonio Guterres cars, Antonio Guterres lifestyle. We will update these information soon.

Antonio Guterres Education

Celebrities Who Attended The Same School as Antonio Guterres

Facts About Antonio Guterres

Antonio Guterres Age as of 2020 is 71
Awards Received by Antonio Guterres:Order of the Rising Sun, 1st class,Charlemagne Prize,Charlemagne Prize,Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold,Grand Cross of the Military Order of Christ,Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland,Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, 1st class,Collar of the Order of Isabella the Catholic,Freedom Award,Grand Cross of the National Order of Merit,Order of the Republic,Order of Merit,Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic,Grand Cross of the Order of Honour,Grand Cross of the Order of Liberty,Order of the Star of Romania,Grand Cross of the Order of the Southern Cross,Grand Cross of the Order of Charles III,Order of the Aztec Eagle.
Antonio Guterres Place of Birth is Lisbon.