Carlos Menem Net worth, Age, Height,Bio


About Carlos Menem

Carlos Menem is a popular Argentina politician who is most renowned for his politician,lawyer

Celebrity how publishes up-to date right information on Celebrity Carlos Menem ,Mainly about Carlos Menem Physical stats(Height,Weight,Hair Colour,Eye Colour) and Carlos Menem Biography (Age,Birth Date, Birth Place,Education) and Carlos Menem Career (Profession,Net Worth,Famous for,Hobbies).

  • 90 years old.
  • Born in Anillaco
  • Zodiac Sign:Cancer
Age Carlos Menem age is 9090
Birth Month 07
Birth Day 02
Professions Count Carlos Menem Occupation count is 11
Relationships Carlos Menem Number of relationships is 55
Number of Childrens Carlos Menem Number of childres is 44
Number of Awards Carlos Menem Awards count is 1515

Carlos Menem age is around 90,as Carlos Menem was born on the 02th of 07, 1930 in Anillaco.

Real Name Carlos Menem
Occupation politician,lawyer
Nationality Argentina
Date of Birth 1930/07/02
Birth Year 1930
Birth Month 07
Birth day 02
Age 90
First Name Carlos
Last Name Menem
Gender male
Place of Birth Anillaco
Facebook details menem.conduccion
IMDB details nm1364013
Twitter details CarlosMenem_LR
Awards Receieved Commander of Order of Manuel Amador Guerrero,Grand Cross with diamonds of Order of the Sun of Peru,honorary doctor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,Grand Cross of the Order of Vytautas the Great,Order of Jamaica,Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George,doctor honoris causa of Kei<8d> University,Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic,honorary doctor of the Peking University,Collar of the Order of Isabella the Catholic,Grand Order of King Tomislav,Grand Cross of the White Rose of Finland with Collar,Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland,Order of the Nile,Q41152257
Childrens Zulema Mara Eva Menem,Carlos Nair Menem Meza,Carlos Sal Facundo Menem,Mximo Menem Bolocco
Education National University of Crdoba
Languages spoke and written
Political Party Justicialist Party
Name in native language
Position held President of Argentina,President of Argentina,President of Argentina,President of Argentina,member of the Argentine Chamber of Senators,member of the Argentine Chamber of Senators,member of the Argentine Chamber of Senators,member of the Argentine Chamber of Senators,member of the Argentine Chamber of Senators,member of the Argentine Chamber of Senators,member of the Argentine Chamber of Senators,member of the Argentine Chamber of Senators,member of the Argentine Chamber of Senators,member of the Argentine Chamber of Senators,member of the Argentine Chamber of Senators
Religion Catholicism,Islam
Spouse Cecilia Bolocco,Cecilia Bolocco,Cecilia Bolocco,Zulema Yoma,Zulema Yoma

Carlos Menem Popularity

* 90 is AGE #140
* 1930 is the Birth Year #397
* 07 is the Birth Month #941
* 02 is the BirthDay #2715
* Anillaco is the birth Place #3637
Celebrity How Calculates Carlos Menem Popularity Based on Wiki page views and also our internal Page view count.

Carlos Menem Net worth

Check how rich is Carlos Menem in 2020? also latest information on Carlos Menem cars, Carlos Menem income, remuneration, lifestyle.Based on Online sources ( Wikipedia,google Search,Yahoo search) Carlos Menem estimated net worth is $ USD 3 Mil and Primary income from politician,lawyer. We don’t have enough evidences on Carlos Menem cars, Carlos Menem lifestyle. We will update these information soon.

Carlos Menem Home town

Carlos Menem hometown is Anillaco.
Browse More Celebrities From Anillaco

Facts About Carlos Menem

Carlos Menem Age as of 2020 is 90
Awards Received by Carlos Menem:Commander of Order of Manuel Amador Guerrero,Grand Cross with diamonds of Order of the Sun of Peru,honorary doctor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,Grand Cross of the Order of Vytautas the Great,Order of Jamaica,Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George,doctor honoris causa of Kei<8d> University,Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic,honorary doctor of the Peking University,Collar of the Order of Isabella the Catholic,Grand Order of King Tomislav,Grand Cross of the White Rose of Finland with Collar,Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland,Order of the Nile,Q41152257.
Carlos Menem Place of Birth is Anillaco.