Vittal Mallya Age, Height,Net Worth & Bio

  • About Vittal Mallya

    Browse on here to check our latest information on Vittal Mallya Approximate Total wealth, Height and weight, Biography, Personal Details,School , Family Details, Facebook,Twitter,Wiki Pages. Discover something about Current Net wealth information of Vittal Mallya, also find Vittal Mallya Worth, Salary, Property and Income.

    Vittal Mallya is a Entrepreneur  and well know person. Vittal Mallya home town is Bantwal, Karnataka, India  and born on Year, 1924 and Vittal Mallya Address is Unknown

    Vittal Mallya Bio

    NameVittal Mallya
    Field of WorkEntrepreneur
    Physical appearanceNA
    Weight in kgs,lbsin kilograms- 60 kg
    in pounds- 132 lbs
    Colour of EyeDark Brown
    Colour of HairSalt & Pepper
    Personal DetailsNA
    Birth DateYear, 1924
    Date of Death13-Oct-83
    Place of DeathThe Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
    Age (at the time of death)59 Years
    Death CauseHeart Attack
    Place of ResidenceBantwal, Karnataka, India
    School EducationThe Doon School, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
    UniversityPresidency University, Kolkata
    CasteBrahmin (Goud Saraswat)
    Interests and hobbyTravelling
    Controversies• Business rivals claimed that he made whisky by using molasses instead of using malted grains to maximize profits which is very harmful to health.
    • In 1980, his name was linked to former Chief Minister of Maharashtra 'Abdul Rahman Antulay' in case of taking controversial decisions on the supply of alcohol.
    Girls, Affairs and MoreNA
    Marital StatusMarried
    Details of FamilyNA
    Wives/Spouse(s)First Wife- Lalitha Ramaiah Mallya

    Second Wife- Name Not Known
    Third Wife- Kailash Advani aka Ritu Mallya (Lawyer and Businesswoman)
    ChildrenSon- Vijay Mallya (from Lalitha Ramaiah Mallya)

    Daughter- N/A
    ParentsFather- Bantwal Ganapathi Mallya (Army Doctor, Died)
    Mother- Devi Mallya
    Also read:   Nathan Ulrich Age, Height,Net Worth & Bio

    Vittal Mallya  listed in the list of most famous celebrities on, with all those individuals born on Year, 1924  ranked on the list.  Vittal Mallya is one of the 59 Years -old celebrities.

    Salary and Networth of Vittal Mallya

    Net Worth, Salary, Income, Cars, Lifestyles & much more information of Vittal Mallya have been updated below. Let’s check, in 2019, how rich isVittal Mallya ?

    Vittal Mallya estimated worth under assessment, as per the Wiki, Business insider & Multiple online resource. You may search net worth of past years, pay & more from below.

    2019 Vittal Mallya Networth Under assessment
    2018 Vittal Mallya Net Worth 0.5 Mil to 200 Mil
    Salary Under assessment

    Acknowledged, the main source of money for Vittal Mallya is Entrepreneur . As of now we don’t have enough data regarding vehicles, fortnightly / yearly wage, and so on. We’re updating soon.

    Vittal Mallya Physical Stats and Age

    59 Years old Vittal Mallya  (as in 2019), Height & Weight Not Available.

    And Finally

    Vittal Mallya, the popular Entrepreneur, is still alive and active (as per Wiki).


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